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    Putting a strange biblical term into a broader context

    In Ephesians chapter five, we read that a husband can cleanse his wife by washing her with the Word. It’s kind of a strange term, isn’t it? Any idea what it means? Well, today on Discover the Word, we try to answer this question by putting it in a broader context. Listen today to Discover the […]

    What is meant by the term “Word of Christ”

    This week on Discover the Word, be part of a series of conversations that looks for clarity in understanding what is meant when we read the term “the Word of God” in the Bible. And today, we will discuss the apostle Paul’s use of the term, the “Word of Christ,” a term that’s only used once. […]

    What does the “Word of God” mean exactly?

    No doubt, you’ve heard your pastor say, “Let’s turn in the Word of God,”  Well, what does the “Word of God” mean exactly? Today on Discover the Word, we go back to basics and begin a week in which the group explores what the biblical writers were referring to when they used the term “the Word […]

    Pay Close Attention

    As I sat in the auditorium, I faced the pastor with my eyes fixed on him. My posture suggested I was absorbing everything he was saying. Suddenly I heard everybody laughing and clapping. Surprised, I looked about. The preacher had apparently said something humorous, but I had no clue what it might have been. From all appearances I had been listening carefully, but in reality my mind was far away.

    It’s possible to hear what is being said but not listen, to watch but not see, to be present and yet absent. In such a condition, we may miss important messages…

    Why did God Create a World that He Knew was Going to Go Wrong eventually?

    This introduction that you’re reading now is really my third. Twice, I wrote a few paragraphs, only to remove them after finding that they were going nowhere. Despite having spent a couple of hours coming up with the first two versions, it wasn’t really difficult to click on “delete”. I mean, why continue something that is flawed?

    Hearing God

    I felt like I was underwater, sounds muffled and muted by a cold and allergies. For weeks I struggled to hear clearly. My condition made me realize how much I take my hearing for granted.

    Young Samuel in the temple must have wondered what he was hearing as he struggled out of sleep at the summons of his name (1 Sam. 3:4). Three times he presented himself before Eli, the High Priest. Only the third time did Eli realize it was the Lord speaking to Samuel. The word of the Lord had been rare at that time (v. 1), and the…

    God’s Will Isn’t Found in Books

    As Christians, we are known for believing that we are to follow what the Bible tells us to do. Sometimes, this gives others the impression that we serve a God who has an unending list of commands that we need to follow.

    The Drinkable Book

    Because it is so difficult in parts of the world to find clean drinking water, an organization called Water Is Life developed a wonderful resource called “The Drinkable Book.” The paper in the book is coated in silver nanoparticles that filter out almost 99.9 percent of harmful bacteria! Each tear-out page can be used and reused to filter up to 100 liters of water at the cost of only four pennies per page.

    The Bible is also an unusually “drinkable” Book. In John 4, we read of a particular kind of thirst and a special kind of water. The woman at the…

    Words That Matter

    Early in my days of working as an editor for Our Daily Bread, I selected the cover verse for each month’s devotional. After a while, I began to wonder if this duty made a difference.

    Not long after that, a reader wrote and described how she had prayed for her son for more than twenty years, yet he wanted nothing to do with Jesus. Then one day he stopped by to visit her, and he read the verse on the cover of the booklet that sat on her table. The Spirit used those words to convict him, and he gave his life…

    We can know for certain that God’s Word is true

    Skeptics give various reasons why the Bible is not reliable, including that 30- to 60-year time gap between when the events of Jesus’s ministry happened and when they were written down. Today on Discover the Word, we are joined by author and seminary professor Darrell Bock as they “mine the gap,”  showing why,  as Luke’s gospel […]

    God wants to be known

    God has always been involved in the affairs of people,  but He hasn’t always been recognized. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about how throughout history, God has revealed Himself at various times and in various ways. God wants to be known. But do we seem to have the same level of interest […]

    Remembering . . .

    One difficult part of growing older is the fear of dementia and the loss of short-term memory. But Dr. Benjamin Mast, an expert on the topic of Alzheimer’s disease, offers some encouragement. He says that patients’ brains are often so “well worn” and “habitual” that they can hear an old hymn and sing along to every word. He suggests that spiritual disciplines such as reading Scripture, praying, and singing hymns cause truth to become “embedded” in our brains, ready to be accessed when prompted. In Psalm 119:11, we read how the power of hiding God’s words in our heart can…

    Finding the GPS that Never Fails

    Some time ago, my brother and I drove to Miami from Florida to fix an item we had recently purchased. Although it wasn’t the first time we had taken this route, we decided to (once again) rely on the trusty Global Positioning System (GPS) on his cell phone.

    Defending Our Faith

    This course will guide you in ways to defend your faith while expressing God’s love toward those who oppose you. The emphasis is not on “winning the argument” but on planting seeds of the gospel in your conversations. First Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    Growing in The Faith

    This course takes an in-depth look at what it means to follow Christ while learning how to study His words on being a disciple.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.