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    Verify the Truth

    “A deadly jungle spider has migrated to the US and is killing people.” This was the story sent to me and to others on my friend’s email list. The story sounded plausible—lots of scientific names and real-life situations. But when I checked it out on reliable websites, I found it was not true—it was an Internet hoax. Its truth could only be verified by consulting a trusted source.

    A group of first-century believers living in Macedonia understood the importance of confirming what they were hearing. The folks in Berea “received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to…

    A thought-provoking conversation on evangelism

    This week we’ve been talking about how to share the gospel in a pluralistic culture. It’s the same challenge that the apostle Paul faced in his day.

    Blessing our enemies by finding common ground

    When the nation of Israel was exiled to Babylon, Jeremiah gave the Jewish leaders unexpected direction. He said, “Seek the peace of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its peace you will have peace.” Listen in as we continue our series on Acts 17.

    What we can learn from Paul about evangelism

    Are you a chameleon? That is to say, do you change your behavior depending on who you’re with? Is that always bad? Join us as we continue learning from Paul this week.

    Expressing God’s love to a lost world

    “For God so loved the world” is a phrase we’re used to hearing. Throughout the pages of the Bible, God speaks of His love and compassion for everyone. Don’t miss this important discussion.

    How Paul related to a pluralistic culture

    Our world is changing, and change is difficult. So what should our attitude be as we face all the changes in the culture around us? Join us as we start a new series in Acts 17, calling Christians to engage the world.


    Why? Seeing God in Our Pain shows the root causes of our pain and suffering and allows us to see Him more clearly as a God who really does care.

    When It is Frowned Upon to Share Your Faith

    One of my most vivid memories of college was my Sunday morning routine. I would wake up at 7:00 a.m. to attend a rehearsal before the early service at my local church, where I played the cello in the ensemble.

    God at the Center

    God has called us to a joyful and victorious life in Him. While there’s no formula that delivers the ultimate faith-filled life, He has given us ways to daily strengthen our faith. Activities like talking with Him in prayer, reading the Bible, and serving Him and others lead us one step at a time into […]

    The comfort of knowing that Jesus knows everything

    What if someone could hear your every thought, see your every action, or experience your every emotion? Scary idea, right? Well, join us on “Discover the Word” today as we continue our study in Hebrews and talk about how Jesus knows everything about us, but that’s not necessarily scary. It’s a great encouragement!

    What is the Word of God?

    Join us today as we study a particular passage in the book of Hebrews. Is the living, active, and sharp Word of God described in chapter 4 a book . . . or a person? Today let’s talk about a new way of understanding a familiar verse in the Bible.

    How to enjoy your relationship with God

    We can’t have a relationship with God without knowing Jesus as Savior. But today our special guest Sid Buzzell explains that we will never enjoy that relationship without knowing Jesus as our High Priest. Join us as we continue to “Discover the Word.”

    Scripture as a source of encouragement

    When life becomes hard to handle, we all need words of encouragement to keep us going. Need to hear some words of hope? Tune in today to “Discover the Word” as we continue our series on the Missing Ingredient.