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    Written on Our Hearts

    In my neighborhood, religious inscriptions abound—on plaques, walls, doorposts, commercial vehicles, and even as registered names of businesses. By the Grace of God reads an inscription on a mini-bus; God’s Divine Favor Bookshop adorns a business signboard. The other day I couldn’t help smiling at this one on a Mercedes Benz: Keep Off—Angels on Guard! 

    But religious inscriptions, whether on wall plaques, jewelry, or T-shirts, are not a reliable indicator of a person’s love for God. It’s not the words on the outside that count but the truth we carry on the inside that reveals our desire to be changed by…

    Discover the Living Word through the written Word

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we conclude our week-long discussion about how the Bible helps us discover who God is. In the gospel of John, we read “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” And then that Word came to dwell among us. The Word—is Jesus. Discovering the Living Word through the written Word. It’s a powerful truth that will transform how you read the Bible.

    When our understanding of God is challenged

    While the Bible instructs us in practical living, it’s also a book of mystery. With God, A plus B doesn’t always equal C! Today on “Discover the Word,” we’re told how to deal with those times when what we thought we understood about God is challenged!

    Hope through the Scriptures

    Paul tells us in Romans that the Bible was written for our instruction, that “through perseverance and encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” But what does that mean exactly? How does “persevering” in our understanding of the Bible help us with our present-day struggles and temptations? Don’t miss this important conversation today on “Discover the Word”!

    The power of the Scriptures

    What does the apostle Paul mean when he says all Scripture is “inspired,” or “God breathed”? Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss why it’s important for us to read the Bible with a listening ear to the Holy Spirit. The Bible is not static, it’s alive and powerful. Don’t miss the discussion!

    What does it mean to have a “high view of Scripture”

    The Bible is the best-selling book of all time. But it’s far more than a book of great literature or high moral concepts. Today we begin our discussion on “Discovering the Bible” by emphasizing the necessity of approaching the Bible with a “high view.” Learn what it means to have a “high view of Scripture” when you join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

    The Best Kind of Happiness

    “Everybody’s doing it” seemed like a winning argument when I was young. But my parents never gave in to such pleas no matter how desperate I was to get permission to do something they believed was unsafe or unwise.

    As we get older we add excuses and rationalizations to our repertoire of arguments for having our own way: “No one will get hurt.” “It’s not illegal.” “He did it to me first.” “She won’t find out.” Behind each argument is the belief that what we want is more important than anything else.

    Eventually, this faulty way of thinking becomes the basis for…

    Introduction to Theology

    This course is designed to introduce you to the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. The teaching method is systematic, but it locates each topic within Scripture and with reference to formative historical concerns. The course assumes that you have some basic familiarity with the Bible.

    The course recognizes that the discipline of theology itself is not well understood, and therefore strives not only to teach theological content, but also method. You will be invited into the act of “faith-thinking” (fides quaerens intellectum), aiming to cultivate the lifelong virtue of intellectual obedience to the Word of God.

    A Hunger for God

    A-poe-la-pi is an elderly member of the Akha, a hill tribe people who live on the mountain ranges of Yunnan Province in China. As we visited him on a recent missions trip, A-poe-la-pi told us that he had missed the weekly Bible study because of heavy rains. So he implored us, “Could you share God’s Word with me?”

    A-poe-la-pi can’t read, so the weekly gathering is vital to him. As we read the Bible to him, he listened intently. His earnest attitude reminded me that when we listen carefully to the story of the inspired Scriptures, we honor the Lord.

    In Deuteronomy…

    As It Is Written

    When it comes to putting things together—electronics, furniture, and the like—my son and I have differing approaches. Steve is more mechanically inclined, so he tends to toss the instructions aside and just start in. Meanwhile, I’m poring over the “Read This Before Starting” warning while he has already put the thing halfway together.

    Sometimes we can get by without the instructions. But when it comes to putting together a life that reflects the goodness and wisdom of God, we can’t afford to ignore the directions He’s given to us in the Bible.

    The Israelites who had returned to their land after the…

    Hidden in My Heart

    I’m getting used to reading digital magazines, and I feel good that I’m saving trees. Plus, I don’t have to wait for the magazines to come in the mail. I do, however, miss the print editions because I like to run my fingers through the glossy pages and cut out my favorite recipes.

    I also have a digital edition of the Bible on my reading device. But I still have my favorite printed Bible—the one I have underlined and read many times. We don’t know the future of the printed page, but one thing we do know: The best place for…

    When I Got Lost in Different Worldviews

    What is your “worldview”? What beliefs and values govern the way you perceive the world around you? Just like how wearing colored lens will affect how we see things, our worldview will affect how we make sense of the things that happen around us, and determine what stand we take in life.

    How do we know for sure that Christianity is the Truth?

    I recently attended a religious ceremony at a Siamese Buddhist temple as part of an official visit by my MP. Several Muslims and Christians were also at the ceremony, as they had been invited after having helped the temple to solve some issues.

    5 Commonly Misquoted Verses

    When Jesus was tested in the desert, it was the Word of God that He employed to counter the evil one’s various temptations. When faced with ups and downs in life, we too often recall verses to remind us of truths to hold on to.

    God’s Compass

    During World War II, small compasses saved the lives of 27 sailors 300 miles off the coast of North Carolina. Waldemar Semenov, a retired merchant seaman, was serving as a junior engineer aboard the SS Alcoa Guide when a German submarine surfaced and opened fire on the ship. The ship was hit, caught fire, and began to sink. Semenov and his crew lowered compass-equipped lifeboats into the water and used the compasses to guide them toward the shipping lanes closer to shore. After three days, the men were rescued.

    The psalmist reminded God’s people that His Word was a trustworthy “compass.” He…