Topic > Christian Beliefs > Bible > Interpretation of the Bible >
Hearing God
I felt like I was underwater, sounds muffled and muted by a cold and allergies. For weeks I struggled to hear clearly. My condition made me realize how much I take my hearing for granted.
Young Samuel in the temple must have wondered what he was hearing as he struggled out of sleep at the summons of his name (1 Sam. 3:4). Three times he presented himself before Eli, the High Priest. Only the third time did Eli realize it was the Lord speaking to Samuel. The word of the Lord had been rare at that time (v. 1), and the…
Context is king!
If your friends around the table could only give you one piece of advice about how to read and study the Bible, what do you think it would be? Most likely, it would be “Pay attention to the context!” and so today on “Discover the Word,” we remember that context is king! Listen today on “Discover the Word”!
What to do with conflicting Bible verses
What are we to do with conflicting Bible verses like, “Don’t answer a fool according to his folly” and “Answer a fool according to his folly”? Today on “Discover the Word,” we begin a “Discover the Word 101” conversation that can help you make sense of even apparent contradictions in the Bible! Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!
5 Commonly Misquoted Verses
When Jesus was tested in the desert, it was the Word of God that He employed to counter the evil one’s various temptations. When faced with ups and downs in life, we too often recall verses to remind us of truths to hold on to.
What is the Word of God?
Join us today as we study a particular passage in the book of Hebrews. Is the living, active, and sharp Word of God described in chapter 4 a book . . . or a person? Today let’s talk about a new way of understanding a familiar verse in the Bible.
How to enjoy your relationship with God
We can’t have a relationship with God without knowing Jesus as Savior. But today our special guest Sid Buzzell explains that we will never enjoy that relationship without knowing Jesus as our High Priest. Join us as we continue to “Discover the Word.”