Angels & Satan | Our Daily Bread Ministries

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    Strange Comfort

    The verse on the card Lisa received didn’t seem to match her situation: “Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha” (2 Kings 6:17). I have cancer! she thought in confusion. I’ve just lost a baby! A verse about angel soldiers does not apply.

    Then the “angels” began to show up. Cancer survivors gave her their time and a listening ear. Her husband got released early from an overseas military assignment. Friends prayed with her. But the moment she most felt God’s love was when…

    The Mouse That Roared

    Several years ago my sons and I spent a few days camping in the Selway–Bitterroot Wilderness in Northern Idaho. It’s grizzly bear habitat, but we carried bear spray, kept our campsites clean, and anticipated no major grizzly encounters.

    One evening, in the middle of the night, I heard Randy scramble around trying to get out of his sleeping bag. I grabbed my flashlight and turned it on, expecting to see him in the clutches of an enraged grizzly.

    There, sitting upright on its haunches and waving its paws in the air was a field mouse about 4” tall. It had Randy’s cap…

    Mysterious Helpers

    Louise suffers from muscular dystrophy. While trying to exit a train station one day, she found herself facing a large flight of stairs without an elevator or escalator. On the verge of tears, Louise saw a man suddenly appear, pick up her bag, and gently help her up the stairs. When she turned to thank him, he was gone.

    Michael was late for a meeting. Already stressed from a relationship breakdown, he started battling London’s traffic only to get a flat tire. As he stood helplessly in the rain, a man stepped out of the crowd, opened the boot (trunk), jacked…

    Unseen Realities

    Stephen Cass, an editor at Discover magazine, was determined to investigate some of the invisible things that are part of his daily life. As he walked toward his office in New York City, he mused: “If I could see radio waves, the top of the Empire State Building [with its host of radio and TV antennas] would be lit like a kaleidoscopic flare, illuminating the entire city.” He realized he was surrounded by an invisible electromagnetic bedlam of radio and TV signals, Wi-Fi, and more.

    Elisha’s servant learned about another kind of unseen reality—the invisible spiritual world—one morning. He awoke to find…

    “God Saved My Life”

    When Aaron (not his real name) was 15, he began praying to Satan: “I felt like he and I had a partnership.” Aaron started to lie, steal, and manipulate his family and friends. He also experienced nightmares: “I woke up one morning and saw the devil at the end of the bed. He told me that I was going to pass my exams and then die.” Yet when he finished his exams, he lived. Aaron reflected, “It was clear to me that he was a liar.”

    Hoping to meet girls, Aaron went to a Christian festival, where a man offered to…

    Using strategic weapons to be victorious

    When are we most susceptible to temptation? Today on Discover the Word, we’ll hear the encouraging conclusion of the series titled “The Temptation of Jesus.” Although temptations are inevitable and come in a variety of forms, we are discussing the one thing you’ll find at the heart of each one. Don’t let temptation rule your life! […]

    Exposing the devil’s playbook

    Temptation can sneak up on us. But we don’t have to give in! Today on Discover the Word, we explore “The Temptation of Jesus” in Luke chapter 4 to expose the devil’s playbook. We’ll unmask the trying physical entry points for temptation. Listen today for tactics to fight temptation Jesus’s way on Discover the Word!

    Concluding a week long study on “Mysterious Bible Texts”

    It’s a question about the Bible that people have asked through the centuries. Who exactly were the sons of God who married the daughters of men back in the Old Testament? Were they angels, demons or demon-possessed men? There are a number of possible explanations. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about all […]

    Context can help us understand mysterious texts

    “What’s going on here?” How many times have you asked that while reading your Bible? Well, as we reveal today on Discover the Word it’s so often all about the context! Context can help us understand mysterious texts, like in Jude 9 where it talks about Michael the archangel disputing with the devil about the body […]

    Watchful and Alert

    My desk sits close to a window that opens into our neighborhood. From that vantage point I’m privileged to watch birds perch on the trees nearby. Some come to the windows to eat insects trapped in the screen. 

    The birds check their immediate surroundings for any danger, listening attentively as they look about them. Only when they are satisfied that there is no danger do they settle down to feed. Even then, they pause every few seconds to scan the area.

    The vigilance these birds demonstrate reminds me that the Bible teaches us to practice vigilance as Christians. Our world is full…

    Watch and Pray

    From my window I can see a 1,700-meter hill called the Cerro del Borrego or “Hill of the Sheep.” In 1862, the French army invaded Mexico. While the enemy camped in the central park of Orizaba, the Mexican army established its position at the top of the hill. However, the Mexican general neglected to guard access to the top. While the Mexican troops were sleeping, the French attacked and killed 2,000 of them.

    This reminds me of another hill, the Mount of Olives, and the garden at its foot where a group of disciples fell asleep. Jesus rebuked them, saying, “Watch and…

    Grace: Accepting God’s Gift to You

    Ephesians 2 uses the phrase “dead in your sins.” But what does that really mean? Dead means lifeless, powerless, inanimate. It means we were incapable of doing anything to change our situation. But God is loving and merciful, and He chose to give us new life. That’s the beauty of His grace—we’ve done nothing to […]

    Transformed in His Image

    In a society that has seemingly dismissed the issues of the heart, outward appearances have become the source of determining beauty and self-worth. This excerpt from Regina Franklin’s book Who Calls Me Beautiful? offers insights to help you recognize the value of your identity in God. Discover how you can get your heart in the...

    Debits and Credits

    When my husband was teaching an accounting class at a local college, I took one of the tests just for fun to see how well I could do. The results were not good. I answered every question wrong. The reason for my failure was that I started with a faulty understanding of a basic banking concept. I reversed debits and credits.

                We sometimes get our debits and credits confused in the spiritual realm as well. When we blame Satan for everything that goes wrong—whether it’s bad weather, a jammed printer, or financial trouble—we’re actually giving him credit that he doesn’t…

    Paradise Lost

    Gary Inrig takes us to Genesis 3 so we can be reminded of the purpose for which we were created and enjoy His good gifts as He intended.