Covenants of the Bible | Our Daily Bread Ministries

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    “My Rainbow in the Cloud”

    I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. —Genesis 9:13

    It is the will of God that human beings should get into a right-standing relationship with Him, and His covenants are designed for this purpose. Why doesn’t God save me? He has accomplished and provided for my salvation, but I have not yet entered into a relationship with Him. Why…

    God’s Blessing Extends To All Believers

    In the Old Testament, we read about how God’s blessing was focused on His “chosen people,” the Israelites. But eventually, God’s blessing would extend to everyone. Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss how the Aaronic Blessing paved the way for the blessing of all people through Jesus. Join us today for Discover […]

    Jesus Is Our Mediator

    A mediator is someone who brings together two parties to help them come to an agreement. And today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss how Moses’s mediation for the Israelites points to Jesus as the Mediator between God and all of us. Pull up a chair to the table, today on Discover the […]

    Explore The Idea Of Unconditional vs Conditional Blessings

    We can’t do anything to earn God’s love or grace. But do we have to work for God’s other blessings? Today on Discover the Word, we’ll explore the idea of unconditional versus conditional blessings and promises from God. Join us for the discussion today on Discover the Word!

    God Blessed The Israelites Even As They Wandered

    What does it mean to be blessed by God? Is it having health and wealth? A perfect family? Today on Discover the Word, the team considers how God blessed the Israelites, even as they wandered in the desert. Our series is called “A Surprise in the Wilderness” today on Discover the Word!

    God’s Blessing In The Wilderness

    What is a benediction? Is it a church formality? A magical invocation? Today on Discover the Word, we will examine one of the most well-known benedictions in Scripture, given to the Israelites in the wilderness. Learn how God’s blessing shows up in unexpected places, today on Discover the Word!

    Is There A Right Way To Worship God?

    You don’t need to visit too many churches before you learn people worship in a lot of different ways! But beyond musical styles, is there a right way to worship God? Today on Discover the Word, the team, along with our guest Danny Carroll, examines a somber warning from the book of Amos about the […]

    The Timeless Wisdom Of God’s Word

    For many of us, the Old Testament is a little more mysterious and raises a few more questions than other parts of the Bible. But today, the Discover the Word team joins Dr. Danny Carroll once more for another discussion in the series titled, “Why the Old Testament?” You’ll see that there’s relevance in the […]

    Bringing Your Passions In Line With God’s Will

    When it comes to ambition, there are two extremes we can fall into. An unhealthy lust for power or an apathetic ambivalence. Well, today on Discover the Word, the team, along with our guest  Dr. Danny Carroll, looks at our God-given ambition to rule and discovers not only how that ambition got perverted, but how to […]

    No Fine Print

    Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Missy Sullivan noted that many user agreements, warranties, and disclaimers that come with products are nearly unreadable. Intentionally set in very small type, they actually discourage people from understanding them. Because of this, many people don’t read all the terms of contracts before signing them.

    He Gave Us Prophets

    This course gives an introductory perspective for the study of the prophets of the Old Testament. It dispels common misunderstandings about the prophets, provides guidelines for interpreting prophecy, and gives the student confidence to begin studying prophetic literature. The course is based on the DVD series by Dr. Richard Pratt, “He Gave Us Prophets.”

    Kingdom, Covenants, and Canon of the Old Testament

    This course gives a brief survey of the Old Testament, examining the themes of “Kingdom, Covenants and Canon.” It shows that the Old Testament is not a random amalgam of episodes, genealogies and prophetic tidbits. Instead, it is unified around the central theme of the kingdom of God, which was administered through covenants and applied to life through the Old Testament as a “canon” (guideline) for our lives. It is based on the Third Millennium DVD series by Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.