• Topic > Biblical Studies

    Serious Fear

    After weeks of preparation by the children’s choir, the night had finally arrived for our annual Christmas musical in 1983. The costumed children began filing into the auditorium when suddenly we heard a ruckus at the back door. My wife and I turned to look and saw our own little Matt. Sobbing loudly and with a look of sheer terror on his face, he had a death grip on the door handle. He refused to enter the auditorium. After much negotiating, the director finally told him he didn’t have to go on stage. Instead, Matt sat with us, and soon his fears began to subside.

    A unique biblical perspective to help us see the Sermon on the Mount clearly!

    Wear the wrong pair of glasses and everything appears fuzzy. But put on the right pair of lenses and images come into focus. A helpful outline of Jesus’ teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.

    Is Jesus God?

    Although many people have heard of Jesus through the pages of the Bible, there are still some who struggle with their belief. In this booklet, Dave Branon examines the evidence that expresses both the claims of the Bible and of Christ Himself—that He is indeed God in the flesh. Gain deeper insight into your relationship with Jesus and the importance of your faith in Him as your only way to God.

    Who’s Telling The Truth?

    During the 2012 US presidential campaign, television coverage of speeches and debates often included “fact checking” by analysts who compared the candidates’ statements with their actual records. Were they telling the truth or manipulating the facts to their advantage?

    Drink Lots Of Water

    Visitors to Colorado often become dehydrated without realizing it. The dry climate and intense sun, especially in the mountains, can rapidly deplete the body’s fluids. That’s why many tourist maps and signs urge people to drink plenty of water.

    A Prize For Peace

    Alfred Nobel made a fortune from the invention of dynamite, which changed the course of warfare. Perhaps because of the horrors that wars inflicted with the use of dynamite, he made a provision in his will for a prize to be given annually to those who work to promote peace. Today it’s called the Nobel Peace Prize.

    The Gift Of Light

    Sir Christopher Wren designed and built more than 50 church buildings in London during the late 1600s. His design style had two prominent features—the first of which was sturdy, tall steeples. The second, however, was more profound. Wren was convinced that all of the windows in his churches must use clear glass as opposed to the stained glass so popular in churches of that era. In part, his reason for the clear glass is found in words attributed to him: “God’s greatest gift to man is light.” Allowing light to bathe people as they worshiped was, to Wren, a celebration of that gift.

    Thumbs Up

    Pandora is one of the musical marvels of the Internet age. It helps you create your own personal radio station by allowing you to “customize” your music. It plays a song and you then click a thumbs up or thumbs down sign to indicate whether or not you like it. You end up with a grouping of only songs that you like.

    That’s Jesus!

    As a Jewish kid growing up in New York, Michael Brown had no interest in spiritual things. His life revolved around being a drummer for a band, and he got mixed up with drugs. But then some friends invited him to church, where he found the love and prayers of the people to be irresistible. After a short spiritual struggle, Michael trusted Jesus as Savior.

    Every Word Matters

    Kim Peek was a savant (a person with extraordinary memory) who memorized all of Shakespeare’s plays. During a performance of Twelfth Night, Peek noticed that the actor had skipped a word from one of the lines. Peek suddenly stood up and shouted, “Stop!” The actor apologized and said he didn’t think anyone would mind. Peek replied, “Shakespeare would.”

    True Sacrifice

    Eric was one of the good guys. As a police officer, he saw his work as service to his community and was fully committed to serving at all costs. Evidence of this desire was seen on the door of Eric’s locker at the police station, where he posted John 15:13.

    Waiting To Cheer

    In his very first Little League baseball game, a young player on the team I was coaching got hit in the face with a ball. He was not hurt but was understandably shaken. For the rest of the season, he was afraid of the ball. Game after game, he bravely tried, but he just couldn’t seem to hit the ball.

    What If It’s True? Examining Four Important Spiritual Questions

    To an unbeliever, the claims of Christianity can sometimes sound too good to be true, especially when searching for answers to situations in life. In this booklet, author Bill Crowder examines questions many have concerning the validity of Jesus, the Bible,

    The Amazing Names of the Messiah

    Names have a way of bringing meaning and trust to relationships—most importantly your relationship with God. In this booklet, author Bill Crowder studies the meaning and significance of the names “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Everlasting Father,” and “Prince of Peace,” as recorded in Isaiah 9:6. Gain a deeper understanding of who God is and why He deserves your trust.

    Did Christ Really Rise From The Dead?

    No other single issue is more central to the Christian faith than the reality of Christ’s resurrection. In this study, Dave Branon explores historical and biblical evidence that will give you reasons to believe that Jesus rose from the dead. Discover the importance of your response to His resurrection and how it relates to your eternal destiny.