• Topic > Biblical Studies

    What Money Can’t Buy

    There are some things money can’t buy—but these days, not many” according to Michael Sandel, author of What Money Can’t Buy. A person can buy a prison-cell upgrade for $90 a night, the right to shoot an endangered black rhino for $250,000, and your doctor’s cell phone number for $1,500. It seems that “almost everything is up for sale.”

    Discover Malchus’ small role in a grand story

    We can learn a lot from the prominent characters in the Bible, people like David, Esther, and Peter. But sometimes the minor personalities in Scripture can have just as much impact!

    Out Of Egypt

    One year when our family was traveling through Ohio on the way to Grandma’s house, we arrived in Columbus just as a tornado warning was issued. Suddenly everything changed as we feared that our children might be in danger.

    Discover how Jesus can be our Father and yet remain the Promised Child!

    Ready for a Christmas riddle? The Bible calls Jesus both “The Son of God” and “Everlasting Father.” But how can Christ be both? An eye-opening Christmas edition.

    Isaiah’s depiction of Jesus as “Mighty God”

    Long before any costumed characters wearing tights and capes flew onto the scene, the Bible described a real life Superhero! See how Christ is our greatest hero.

    Lasting Peace

    On Christmas Eve 1914, during the First World War, the guns fell silent along a 30-mile stretch of the Western Front. Soldiers peered cautiously over the tops of trenches while a few emerged to repair their positions and bury the dead. As darkness fell, some German troops set out lanterns and sang Christmas carols. Men on the British side applauded and shouted greetings.

    What Really Matters

    When our children were living at home, one of our most meaningful Christmas morning traditions was very simple. We would gather our family around the Christmas tree where, in sight of the gifts we were receiving from one another, we would read the Christmas story together. It was a gentle reminder that the reason we give gifts is not because the Magi brought gifts to the Christ-child. Rather, our gifts of love for one another were a reflection of God’s infinitely greater Gift of love to us.

    Let’s look at the amazing promises wrapped up in the names of Christ

    What’s in a name? Well, when it comes to the name of Jesus, everything! Looking at the unique significance and amazing promises wrapped up in the names of Christ. The conversation is sure to surprise you!

    Remember The Wrapping

    At our house some Christmas events are the same each year. Among them is my wife Martie’s appeal to the kids and grandkids as they attack their gifts: “Save the paper, we can use it next year!” Martie loves to give nice gifts, but she also appreciates the wrapping. Presentation is part of the beauty of the gift.

    Just The Right Time

    The conductor stood on the podium, his eyes scanning the choir and orchestra. The singers arranged the music in their folders, found a comfortable position for standing, and held the folder where they could see the conductor just over the top. Orchestra members positioned their music on the stand, found a comfortable position in their seats, and then sat still. The conductor waited and watched until everyone was ready. Then, with a downbeat of his baton, the sounds of Handel’s “Overture to Messiah” filled the cathedral.

    What It’s Like to have a “White Christmas”

    Over the past four years, I have spent my Christmases in the snow-swept plains of northern United States. Having grown up in the subtropics, white Christmas was a new experience for me. In the beginning, the snowy landscapes are breathtakingly beautiful. But after a while, the long […]

    An insightful summary of the greatest book ever written

    Remember writing book reports for school? The first question you always had to answer was, “What is this book about?” Find out what the Bible is all about.

    Remembering Advent, Overcoming Frustration

    It is December and the season of Advent is upon us! A time to remember and consider how God in all His glory humbled Himself and came into our world. A time of expectation and hope. A time of looking forward to the promise of redemption and […]

    A Ukrainian Christmas

    The people of Ukraine include many wonderful elements in their observance of Christmas. Sometimes wisps of hay are placed on the dinner table as a reminder of the Bethlehem manger. Another portion of their celebration echoes the events of the night when the Savior entered the world. A Christmas prayer is offered and then the father in the household offers the greeting, “Christ is born!” The family then responds, “Let us glorify Him!”