• Topic > Biblical Studies

    Discover how wisdom is given freely to those who ask

    Trace a wide and winding river backwards and you’ll find it originates from a single spring. Today we’ll look past the overwhelming wisdom displayed by Solomon to study the Source of his knowledge.

    Learn The Cost

    We gave our 2-year-old son a pair of new boots recently. He was so happy that he didn’t take them off until it was bedtime. But the next day he forgot all about the boots and put on his old sneakers. My husband said, “I wish he knew how much things cost.”

    Find out what comes first: wisdom or knowledge

    Wisdom and knowledge seem to be two distinct things. And yet, they also appear to be intertwined. Join us as we unravel the question by continuing our study of Solomon.

    How can we learn from Solomon’s radical display of God-given wisdom?

    God had graciously given Solomon wisdom and that gift was put to the test in a difficult case involving two prostitutes with babies!

    Discover the practical side of wisdom by looking at the wisest man who lived

    What does it mean to be “wise”? Is there more to “wisdom” than simply knowledge? Solomon’s example shows us that wisdom includes moral discernment.

    Discover the important relational element of wisdom

    When they hear the word “wisdom,” a lot of people envision a collection of facts and figures that is stored up in our head. But there is a practical side to wisdom — its relational element!

    The Danger of False Teachers: Insights from Jude

    The words of some spiritual teachers can be very persuasive, yet something in the shadows of their message sounds an alarm. In this verse-by-verse study of Jude, author Bill Crowder examines the characteristics and methods of false teachers of all generations. Find out how you can identify wrong thinking and protect yourself and others from spiritual danger.

    Let’s learn from a man who found wisdom in his sleep

    People look for it in school, in books, or in real-life experiences, but still may never find it. So the question is, where do we find wisdom? Join our discussion as we begin a new study on “The Wisdom of Solomon.”

    How to leave a legacy that matters

    The things we value, the words we say, the way we live — it’s all used to build a legacy for those we’ll one day leave behind. Join us for our last study of Psalm 71.

    Who is like the Lord?

    You can compare apples to apples. Some people even compare apples to oranges to discover value. But how do you compare something that has no comparison? Today we study the impossible question: “Who is like the Lord?”

    How is God’s righteousness good news?

    When we hear the phrase “God’s righteousness,” it could bring up some negative images. We can even picture an angry God looking to hammer us into submission! But today we will discuss why God’s righteousness is worth sharing!

    Psalm 71, the prayer of an old man

    When you come to the end of your life, what final message would you like to leave your children, grandchildren, or the people you leave behind? Join us as we study an old man’s prayer and the legacy he wanted to leave behind.

    How to stay encouraged when going through dark valleys

    Following God means we’re never standing still for long. The walk of faith is a constant journey. When walking through dark valleys, remember, hope is just ahead!

    Discover how to work through desperate times by remembering happy memories

    How do you work through desperate times in your life? Join us as we discuss how remembering the good times of yesterday can give us hope in our tomorrows.

    How to escape from persistent troubles

    Have there been times in your life when it feels like for every step you take forward, you’re forced to take two steps back? After a while, life can feel like a relentless chore! Here is an encouraging look at a place where we can escape that helplessness.