• Topic > Biblical Studies

    Enjoying His Meal

    It’s not about the table, whether it’s square or round. It’s not about the chairs—plastic or wooden. It’s not about the food, although it helps if it has been cooked with love. A good meal is enjoyed when we turn off the TV and our cell phones and concentrate on those we’re with.

    Seeing the crucifixion from Mary Magdalene’s point of view

    Imagine you are part of the group at the foot of Jesus’ cross. Who is in the crowd with you? See any familiar faces? Discover one disciple we may recognize at the scene and her point of view.

    What the Bible has to say about a misunderstood disciple of Jesus

    Lady of the evening? Curious spectator? Faithful disciple? Who exactly was Mary Magdalene? Get to know Mary better as you listen to today’s program.

    Who was and wasn’t Mary Magdalene?

    Of all the characters in the Easter story, none are more misunderstood or misjudged than Mary Magdalene. Join us today in our biblical investigation to discover who this important disciple of Jesus really was.

    Trail Trees

    In recent years, my daughter has become fascinated with the history of the indigenous people in northern Michigan where she lives. One summer afternoon when I was visiting, she showed me a road that had a sign designating “Trail Trees.” She explained to me that it’s believed that long ago the Native Americans bent young trees to point the way to specific destinations and that they continued to grow in an unusual shape.

    Ever wonder what happened to Simon of Cyrene after he carried the cross?

    Many characters in the Bible appear, participate in God’s grand story, and then seemingly vanish from Scripture. Today on Discover the Word, let’s do a little biblical speculation about the end of Simon of Cyrene’s story. Discover some intriguing possibilities in our conversation!

    How do you view serving others?

    Sometimes we raise our hand and volunteer. Other times, it can seem like we’re pushed into helping. Join us today as we discover how Simon of Cyrene came to carry Jesus’ cross.

    Discover how one man’s holiday trip with his sons was interrupted by a Savior bearing a cross

    Do your holiday celebrations ever go as planned? Doesn’t it seem like there is always some sort of disruption that gets in the way? Our study continues as we discover how Simon’s holiday was interrupted.

    Looking at the events around Jesus’ crucifixion through the eyes of Simon of Cyrene

    Jesus said, “Pick up your cross, and follow me.” Join us for a fascinating discussion as we discover more about the man who picked up Jesus’ cross.

    Who was Simon of Cyrene and why is his perspective so important?

    Two thousand years after the event, we still marvel at the death of Jesus. This week we are invited to walk around in the sandals of Simon of Cyrene as we follow Jesus towards Calvary.

    Who was the wisest person who ever lived?

    Was the illustrious King Solomon the wisest person who ever lived? Join us for the conclusion of our study on Solomon as we discover that Jesus is the one who possessed all truth and insight!

    Solving The Mystery

    One of the most popular tourist attractions in England is the giant stone pillars of Stonehenge. These massive pieces of granite are also a great source of mystery. Every year, people travel to Stonehenge with questions such as: Why were they erected? Who accomplished this extraordinary engineering marvel? And perhaps we wonder most of all how they did it. But visitors leave having received no answers from the silent stones. The mystery remains.

    Wise action and foolish mistakes

    The men and women of the Bible are not only fascinating characters, but their lives serve as vivid examples we can learn from. Join us for another insightful conversation about the wise actions and foolish mistakes of Solomon.

    A message of caution and wisdom

    In life, it’s not how you start the journey but how you finish that counts. Join us as we continue studying the example of Solomon, a man who began as the wisest man on earth, but crashed and burned toward the end.

    The danger of replacing a relationship with God with the pursuit of wisdom

    Solomon’s life is a reminder that you can be the wisest person on the planet and still make foolish mistakes. Today we continue learning from the story of Solomon.