• Topic > Biblical Studies

    Christmas: Not Just Another Celebration

    I have always lived in countries that have only two seasons: dry and wet. So to me, December has always been about Christmas and cool, rainy days, making it the best time of the year.

    The Seventh Stanza

    In the summer of 1861, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s wife, Frances, died tragically in a fire. That first Christmas without her, he wrote in his diary, “How inexpressibly sad are the holidays.” The next year was no better, as he recorded, “ ‘A merry Christmas,’ say the children, but that is no more for me.”

    In 1863, as the American Civil War was dragging on, Longfellow’s son joined the army against his father’s wishes and was critically injured. On Christmas Day that year, as church bells announced the arrival of another painful Christmas, Longfellow picked up his pen and began to write,…

    Could Christmas be About Abraham too?

    Have you ever received a lovely gift and thanked the giver appropriately, only to realize later that it was homemade? Suddenly the significance of the gift grows, because you now know that the giver had put in much effort and many hours into it, and your former expression of thanks doesn’t seem adequate any more.

    How Jesus came to rescue people

    Do you like snakes? Well, today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about how Jesus referenced the story of Moses “lifting up the serpent” in the wilderness. Are you familiar with that story? See an amazing connection that points to how Jesus came to rescue people “snake bitten” by sin.

    Where’s the Joy This Christmas?

    The weather has turned chilly. The sky is mostly overcast. Raindrops splatter the ground, as though someone forgot to turn off the sprinkler. December feels sorrowful.

    Christmas Rest

    As a boy I delivered newspapers in order to earn money. Since it was a morning newspaper, I was required to get up at 3:00 every morning, 7 days a week, in order to have all 140 of my papers delivered to their appropriate homes by 6:00 a.m.

    But one day each year was different. We would deliver the Christmas morning newspaper on Christmas Eve—meaning that Christmas was the only morning of the year I could sleep in and rest like a normal person.

    Over the years, I came to appreciate Christmas for many reasons, but one that was special in those…

    How would you answer the question, “where are you from”?

    “Where are you from?” It’s an icebreaker question we often ask people to get an idea of who they are. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss the contrast between how Nicodemus, a respected religious leader from Jerusalem would answer that question and how Jesus would answer it. Where did Jesus say He was from? Listen today on “Discover the Word”!

    What if there was no Christ in Christmas?

    There was once a farmer who thought that the idea of God becoming a baby was absurd. His wife, however, was the opposite. She was a Christian and put her faith in the baby who was born that first Christmas.

    An eternal king for an eternal kingdom

    It’s understandable that back in the first century, the Jews were looking for an earthly king, for an earthly kingdom. Yet in Jesus, God was providing the gift of an eternal King who would rule an eternal kingdom. Today on “Discover the Word,” we’ll talk about one of Jesus’ questions to Nicodemus, a prominent Pharisee. Nicodemus was challenged with a new way of thinking about the kingdom of heaven. Join us today for “Discover the Word”!

    Why I Set Up A Christmas Tree Every year

    I’m fussy when it comes to Christmas trees. I like mine a certain way—no less than six feet (1.8m) tall, boughs filled out with green needly foliage, handmade ornaments, and twinkling (not flashing!) lights.

    How Jesus surprised Nicodemus

    Sometimes for a really smart person to learn something, they have to be humble enough to want to learn. Nicodemus, a leading member of the Sanhedrin, came to Jesus with some sincere questions. His frame of reference was the Mosaic law, but Jesus surprised him with a whole new paradigm. Join the group today on “Discover the Word” as they begin the series, “For God So Loved.”

    Baby Boy

    A baby boy. That’s how God chose to save the world. It was God’s plan to send His Son in the flesh, and it’s His plan to affect every one of us through this gift. So trust in His purpose, no matter what your role, because He loves you so.

    How to Be Perfect

    Christmas is the time of year when the pressure to be perfect intensifies. We imagine the perfect celebration and then put forth our best effort to make it happen. We shop for the perfect gifts. We plan the perfect Christmas Day meal. We choose the perfect greeting cards or write the perfect family letter. But our striving leads to discouragement and disappointment when our ability to imagine perfection exceeds our ability to implement it. The carefully chosen gift receives only a halfhearted thank you. Part of the meal is overcooked. We find a typo in our Christmas greeting after we’ve…

    A miracle that demonstrates God’s provision

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we wind up a couple of weeks on “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” talking about a miracle that demonstrates God’s provision in a very personal way. Elisha’s miracles were largely public events. Until a distressed widow boldly asked Elisha to help her and her two sons. As we’ll see, the widow did what she could and through Elisha, God performed a miracle of multiplication. Another chapter in “The Miraculous Life of Elisha,” today on “Discover the Word”!

    Has Christmas Been Tamed?

    Whenever I see advertisements about clothing, cosmetics, or electronic items which use Christmas to promote sales, I feel disturbed. I feel the same whenever I hear “Christmas songs” being played in department stores