• Topic > Biblical Studies

    When God seems silent

    We know that prayer is a conversation but what do we do when God seems silent and it seems like we’re doing all the talking? The Bible tells us to wait on the Lord. But for how long? Today on Discover the Word, we continue a study in the book of Habakkuk. “Major Prayers from […]

    Major prayers from a minor prophet

    Have you ever felt like your prayers are hitting the ceiling? Well, you’re not alone. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about prayer from a part of the Bible you might not turn to very often. We’re learning from a minor prophet how to develop major prayers. “Major Prayers from a Minor Prophet” begins […]

    Doing good for the sake of the gospel

    Today on Discover the Word, hear the conclusion of a thought provoking study on Titus chapter 2 with previous hosts Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan. It’s a special encore presentation of an unconventional Christmas series that originally aired years ago,  but one that can have a profound impact on how we live out […]

    A Second Look at the Christmas Story Blew My Mind

    A couple of days ago, I went to the park in a T-shirt, shorts, and sandals. It was 80 degrees Fahrenheit (about 27 degrees Celsius) outside and felt absolutely nothing like Christmas. In most parts of the United States, it’s cold—maybe even snowing.

    God’s grace changes the way we live

    God’s gift of grace does more than give us peace about our past and hope for our future. It changes the way we live today. Today on Discover the Word, join past hosts Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan as they take a look at Titus chapter 2  and discuss the way God’s grace […]

    The greatest Gift of all!

    So much of the Christmas season is about giving and receiving gifts, and when you think back over the years perhaps there’s a particular gift that comes to mind for you. Today on Discover the Word, original hosts Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan remember the greatest gift of all. It’s part of a […]

    A Message of hope

    Christmastime is filled with anticipation. As children, we could hardly wait to find those gifts beneath the tree. But as adults, there’s something even better to look forward to. This week, enjoy some classic Christmas programs with original Discover the Word hosts Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan. They’ll share what the term “Advent” […]

    God’s gift of salvation is available to all!

    No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, God’s gift of salvation is available to all! And that’s good news! Today on Discover the Word, we begin a week featuring some classic Christmas programs with past Discover the Word hosts; Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan. Revisit this special Christmas mini-series based on […]

    On Time

    Sometimes I joke that I’m going to write a book titled On Time. Those who know me smile because they know I am often late. I rationalize that my lateness is due to optimism, not to lack of trying. I optimistically cling to the faulty belief that “this time” I will be able to get more done in less time than ever before. But I can’t, and I don’t, so I end up having to apologize yet again for my failure to show up on time.

    In contrast, God is always on time. We may think He’s late, but He’s not. Throughout Scripture…

    Joy for All

    On the final day of a Christian publishing conference in Singapore, 280 participants from 50 countries gathered in the outdoor plaza of a hotel for a group photo. From the second-floor balcony, the photographer took many shots from different angles before finally saying, “We’re through.” A voice from the crowd shouted with relief, “Well, joy to the world!” Immediately, someone replied by singing, “The Lord is come.” Others began to join in. Soon the entire group was singing the familiar carol in beautiful harmony. It was a moving display of unity and joy that I will never forget.

                In Luke’s…

    Christmas in Captivity

    Rev. Martin Niemoller, a prominent German pastor, spent nearly eight years in Nazi concentration camps because he openly opposed Hitler. On Christmas Eve 1944, Niemoller spoke these words of hope to his fellow prisoners in Dachau:  “My dear friends, on this Christmas . . . let us seek, in the Babe of Bethlehem, the One who came to us in order to bear with us everything that weighs heavily upon us. . . . God Himself has built a bridge from Himself to us! A dawn from on high has visited us!”

                At Christmas we embrace the good news that…

    God’s heart revealed in the life and death of His son

    Can you remember your favorite teacher or your favorite way of being taught?  Maybe you’re a visual learner requiring word pictures to help you grasp a concept. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about Jesus, the Master Teacher who Himself was a Word Picture. It’s an inspiring discussion that reveals the heart of […]

    God’s grace is fully expressed in the person of Jesus

    For thousands of years, the Jewish people revered “the Law.” It wasn’t just a set of rules and regulations, but God speaking to His people the story of His love and protection. And today on Discover the Word, we discuss how God’s grace was evident in the Old Testament, but fully expressed in the Person of Jesus […]

    It’s 2016 Hottest Christmas Gift: A Toy Egg

    Six months ago, I would have scoffed at the idea that the most wanted toy for the Christmas season was a toy egg.

    Gift of Grace

    We can easily get consumed by the activities and extravagance of Christmas. We can also be burdened by the sadness of our situation and emotions. No matter the circumstances, you can lean into Jesus—the best gift we could ever receive—and He will calm your spirit.