• Topic > Biblical Studies

    How do we treat our enemies?

    Today on Discover the Word, the group explores together one of the most difficult questions in the Bible: How do we treat our enemies? Is it any different from how we most often want to treat our enemies? You won’t want to miss this conversation in the Discover the Word series about “The Miraculous Life of […]

    God, Elisha, and miracles

    Miracles can be weird! Flaming chariots, healing leprosy, by their very definition, miracles aren’t things that happen every day! So how do we understand the many miracles God performed through the life of the Old Testament prophet Elisha? Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series on “The Miraculous Life of Elisha.” Tune in today […]

    God knows your future

    Today on Discover the Word the group focuses on a keen insight into the obvious that we find throughout the Bible—God knows the future, and we don’t. Another example of that as we look at the “Miraculous Life of Elisha” once again today. You’ll be encouraged . . . right here  on Discover the Word!

    Is God concerned with the small things?

    How concerned is God with the small, everyday things in our lives? Well, today on Discover the Word as we look back at “The Miraculous Life of Elisha,” we see how concerned God was with the loss of a borrowed tool. The miracle of the floating ax head—discover what that’s all about when you listen […]

    Is God your “number one”?

    Following God isn’t always easy, but one thing we can be pretty sure of is that when we’re “looking out for number one,” and that number one is me, we’re headed down a wrong path. Today on Discover the Word, the group digs into “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” to find out who “number one” always […]

    The Talking Tree

    One of the earliest Christian poems in English literature is “The Dream of the Rood.” The word rood comes from the Old English word rod or pole and refers to the cross on which Christ was crucified. In this ancient poem the crucifixion story is retold from the perspective of the cross. When the tree learns that it is to be used to kill the Son of God, it rejects the idea of being used in this way. But Christ enlists the help of the tree to provide redemption for all who will believe.

    In the garden of Eden, a tree was the source…

    “The Miraculous Life of Elisha”

    Today on Discover the Word, the group kicks off another segment in an ongoing series on the life of the Old Testament prophet Elisha. His was definitely an amazing life, so be part of the group as they explore “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” together. Be encouraged by God’s amazing power, today on Discover the Word!

    Even when God is silent he is up to something good

    Prayer is such a powerful thing! Even when it seems like God is silent, He’s always up to something good. That’s the lesson Habakkuk learned, and it’s what we’ll see today on Discover the Word. Listen as our team concludes our discussion titled, “Major Prayers from a Minor Prophet” . . . today on Discover the […]

    How is God speaking to you?

    Have you ever found yourself in a one-sided conversation? It’s not really much of a conversation if you’re the only one talking! So, how do we have a conversation with God, and how should we expect to listen when He’s communicating back? Today on Discover the Word, the team takes us to the book of […]

    Discover how to pray fearlessly

    What do we do when the “fear of the Lord” gets twisted, causing us to be afraid of God? Where is that coming from and how can we get back to having a proper perspective? Today, the team will open the book of Habakkuk to show us how to pray fearlessly in the love of […]

    God often answers our prayers in unexpected ways

    Have you ever heard someone say, “Expect the unexpected”? Well, that’s one of the messages of the book of Habakkuk and it’s our subject today on Discover the Word. We’re learning that God often answers our prayers in unexpected ways! Be prepared to be surprised today on Discover the Word!

    Discover the healing benefits of being honest in prayer

    The only way to be fully loved is to be fully known. So, why do we resist being fully honest with God in prayer? Today on Discover the Word, we continue our discussion in the book of Habakkuk. Join us to discover the healing benefits of being completely honest in prayer. That’s today on Discover the […]

    What do you do when God is not answering your prayer?

    We all respond differently to stress. Some exercise or clean the house,  while others crash on the sofa and get lost in sports or a movie. What do you do when you’re stressed and waiting to hear from God? We’ll see what Habakkuk did, today on Discover the Word, as the team continues our discussion […]

    A memorable image to help you keep praying

    When we’re expecting to hear from someone, it’s easy to get anxious, checking our email continually or glancing at our phone to see if they’ve texted or called. We expect them to answer soon, and we don’t want to miss it. Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss how prayer can be like […]

    When God says “wait”

    The Internet has given us an appetite for immediacy! So, what do we do when God seems to say, “Wait”? Today on Discover the Word,  we continue a study in the book of Habakkuk, looking into a period in Israel’s history when prayer didn’t seem to make much difference. Listen today to Discover the Word!