Prophecies Concerning | Our Daily Bread Ministries

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    “Great Expectations”

    Looking back, we can see evidence that points to Jesus as the long-anticipated Messiah. But at the time, He didn’t meet the Jewish people’s expectations. Today on Discover the Word, we consider why Jesus was, and in many ways still is, rejected as their Savior. Hear the conclusion of our series titled, “Great Expectations,” today on Discover the Word!

    The Son Of God

    In Jesus’s day, the people of Israel admired heroes such as Abraham, Moses, and David. Yet Jesus said He was greater than them all. Today on Discover the Word, the team will examine how Jesus outraged the Jewish leaders by claiming to be God Himself. We’re continuing our series called, “Great Expectations,” today on Discover the Word!

    The Awaited Messiah

    Your DNA can reveal a lot about you; your hair color, your skin color, even where your family is from. Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss where Jesus came from and how the Pharisees struggled to understand His earthly and heavenly origins. Another fascinating discussion, today on Discover the Word!

    The Lord Of The Sabbath

    You would have expected the Jewish Messiah to fit right in with the religious leaders. The thing is, though, they rarely saw eye to eye.  Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss why Jesus’s behavior seemed so shocking to the established religious people of His day.  Pull a chair up to the table, today for Discover the […]

    The Danger Of Expectations

    For centuries, Israel had been conditioned to look for a certain kind of Messiah. Today on Discover the Word, we will explore what Israel expected in a Messiah . . . and what they got instead. Join us for the start of a new series called, “Great Expectations,” today on Discover the Word!

    A Christmas promise

    Today the Discover the Word team wraps up their series titled “A Christmas Promise.” And it’s their final discussion of 2017! You won’t want to miss this capstone conversation with the team. Launch into the New Year with the satisfaction, contentment, and joy that came on Christmas. Grab a seat at the table  today for […]

    Discover how peace and contentment can endure

    Do you have a favorite place where you feel completely at peace? Maybe it’s reading by the fire or sitting on a fishing dock at dawn. Don’t you wish that feeling could last forever?  Today on Discover the Word, we return to Luke chapter 2 to reveal how peace and contentment can endure. Be part […]

    Anchor your hopes in Jesus

    Broken promises can hurt. But  today on Discover the Word, the team will show us how to anchor our hopes in the one Person who will never let us down! Listen today as we learn from Simeon, a man who found true satisfaction and joy in the fulfilled promises of God. “A Christmas Promise” that […]

    “Be prepared”

    Do you know the Boy Scout motto? It’s, “Be prepared.” And it’s actually a good motto for all of us! It’s also the posture of a man we’re meeting in Luke chapter 2 this week on Discover the Word. Join us at the table and learn from Simeon how to be prepared and always hopeful! […]

    Experience peace despite our present circumstances!

    We’re told that Christmas is the season to be jolly, but what if we’re dealing with deep disappointment and broken relationships? Today on Discover the Word, we’ll explore an aspect of the Christmas story in Luke chapter 2, to find how we can experience peace and contentment despite our present circumstances! Listen to Discover the […]


    “How much longer until it’s Christmas?” When my children were little, they asked this question repeatedly. Although we used a daily Advent calendar to count down the days to Christmas, they still found the waiting excruciating.

    We can easily recognize a child’s struggle with waiting, but we might underestimate the challenge it can involve for all of God’s people. Consider, for instance, those who received the message of the prophet Micah, who promised that out of Bethlehem would come a “ruler over Israel” (5:2) who would “stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord” (v. 4). The initial…

    Life of Christ

    Jesus lived the most impactful life in all of history. This course takes students through the key events in Jesus’s life.

    The cross of Christ was always the plan

    Why do Christians focus on the cross? It might seem morbid to some, but as we’ll see today on Discover the Word, “The Wondrous Cross” is where God’s carefully laid plans came to fruition. We’ll discover as we look beyond the cross to what it accomplished, that the cross of Christ was always “Plan A.” Listen […]

    A wondrous plan hundreds of years in the making

    Today on Discover the Word, we continue our study called “The Wondrous Cross,” a place of seeming contradictions. How could a cross—a Roman execution rack—be “wondrous”? It begins to make sense when you realize it was all part of the plan, spelled out hundreds of years earlier. We’re seeing how Christ fulfills the ancient prophecy […]

    The “Wondrous Cross”

    What would you say causes you the most pain in life? And do you ever wonder where Jesus is in your pain? Today on Discover the Word, the team gathers to discuss one of the hardest questions we face as Christians. We find the answer at the “Wondrous Cross.” Listen to Discover the Word!