• Ministry > jamesburke

    The Queen Showed Up

    Stephen Unwin, our Australian content editor, is currently in the UK. He wrote this reflection on the Queen’s life in the days following her death.

    The Queen showed up

    Last Thursday we saw that the Queen’s close family were called to Balmoral. Later that evening I was watching TV in the UK as the BBC interrupted the programming to announce that…

    Fathers' Day Reflections

    This Fathers' Day, young dad-of-two Jay Bucao shares his reflections from 1 Kings 17 and what Elijah's story has taught him about this season of life as a dad.

    You can either watch him share in the video, or read as an article below.

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRta-QTV354&w=560&h=315]


    “Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, ‘As the Lord, the…

    Heaven in Uncertain Times

    We live in a climate of uncertainty. We’re told globally that financial markets and job markets are shifting and significant political situations are on a knife-edge. On a personal level, as the pandemic has changed our lives, nearly all of us have felt the ground beneath us shifting in all kinds of ways.

    There’s a moment in the Gospels when the…

    Be Eager

    by Terry Shearer, Executive Director Australia

    I’m sure that most of us have played with those cheap plastic toys that wind up and bounce on the spot. Often it's a kangaroo that bounces or a puppy that flips over or even a set of teeth that can chatter away. With a few winds they just keep bouncing away on the same…

    Anzac Day: The Personal Cost of War

    Some years ago, I visited a museum that had an exhibition on the cost of war.

    Near the centre of the museum, there was a simple digital counter that showed an estimate of the number of lives lost in wars since the start of the 20th century. This impossibly long number kept ticking up and up and up and up.


    A Better Burial

    In this article, Bruce Pass unfolds the event of Jesus’ burial and uncovers what it means for us.

    When we rejoice at Easter time, we celebrate the fact that Jesus died in our place for our sins and rose from the dead so that we might live forever with Him. But that’s not the whole story of Easter. Jesus didn’t just…

    3 Ways the Church Can Love an Autistic Person Like Me

    In this article, Madeleine Scholefield shares her experience as an autistic person, and 3 ways that churches and individuals can love autistic people. (Please note Madeleine uses ‘identity-first’ language, i.e. autistic person, because evidence suggests this is how the majority of autistic people prefer to be addressed).

    I felt like a fraud during worship. Not because I didn’t mean what…

    Australian Floods: A Time to Pray

    A time to pray


    When faced with the news of these floods, it can be hard to know what we can do to help - especially if we’re nowhere near the affected areas. But there is one thing that any of us can do: pray. 

    In fact, the most powerful work a Christian can do is pray. In Old Testament times when…

    Australian Floods: A Time to Work

    A Time to Work


    There are many parts that make up a good response to natural disasters. There are times to donate, times to reflect, times to pray, times to prevent, times to lament. The time during or immediately after a disaster is a time to act with our hands and feet. It is a time to work hard and…

    Why Am I So Tired?

    by Leslie Koh

    ‘Fatigue’, ‘lethargy’, ‘burnout’, ‘weariness’, or simply ‘tiredness’. 


    If any of these words seem to summarise your life right now, you’re not alone. While Australia and New Zealand are envied around the world for a very positive ‘work-life balance’, the picture over the last few years is leaning in the other direction. Both countries still rank highly as societies…

    Anxious Faith

    What is Anxious Faith?

    Mental health struggles have been taboo for far too long; especially in faith communities. Not anymore.

    Here at Anxious Faith, we want to open up the conversation around faith and mental health challenges, and learn how to keep going when the two feel at odds.

    Whether you struggle with your mental health, know someone who does, or…

    Mercy & Justice with Bill Crowder

    It’s been a difficult 18 months with lockdowns, restrictions and online church for many people. One of the things we’ve missed is holding our Bible Teaching events – times where we can come together with our readers and learn from God’s Word. Thankfully, Our Daily Bread writer and author Bill Crowder has stepped in to fill this gap and has…

    Mum, you're not alone

    Mum, You're not alone

    What is the most challenging job in the world? Many have said it is being a mother, if it is ever considered a “job”. But while it’s not a job in the strict sense of the word, it is nevertheless a tough endeavour. Motherhood is a blessing, but sometimes, it can be a lonely one too.

    For some,…

    Love - All the Difference

    “Write something about love,” said my editor. 

    Oh sure. That’ll be easy (extreme sarcasm). Should I write about how I’ve failed in love? Or how I’ve been disappointed by it? Take your pick. I’ve got a lot of material to draw on. 

    This isn’t to say I don’t have a loving family. I do. It’s just that despite appearances, my life is…

    Get Up and Walk

    Accra, Ghana, situated on the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa, is vibrant and growing. An integral part of the city’s bustling scene is its street vendors. They’re everywhere! It’s how business gets done. Representing (mostly) legit entrepreneurs, these hawkers sell just about anything that could be sold in a traditional store; they just do it by the roadside. Once…