by Leslie Koh

‘Fatigue’, ‘lethargy’, ‘burnout’, ‘weariness’, or simply ‘tiredness’. 


If any of these words seem to summarise your life right now, you’re not alone. While Australia and New Zealand are envied around the world for a very positive ‘work-life balance’, the picture over the last few years is leaning in the other direction. Both countries still rank highly as societies that enjoy work and rest in equal measure, but even still, more and more people are reporting feeling overworked and under-rested. 


Personally, I can identify with these feelings of tiredness. I’m worn out by the uncertainty brought about by Covid-19. I’m worn out by my workplace responsibilities (even though I love my job). I’m worn out by home and family responsibilities. Sometimes, I’m also worn out by church activities and commitments. 


At the same time, I sometimes also feel guilty about feeling tired. Hasn’t God called me to do this? Shouldn’t I be relying on His strength? Am I being too self-centred? How could I possibly feel tired when I know there are even busier people than I, under even more pressure and responsibility?


I wonder if people in the Bible felt the same way. Jesus’ disciples were certainly tired out by their Master’s preaching schedule, as well as the crowds vying for their attention and pastoral care. What I find striking is Jesus’ response: “Because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’ ” (Mark 6:31).


What Jesus said—and didn’t say—gave me three insights:


  1. It’s okay to feel tired


God, who designed and made our minds, bodies, and souls, knows all too well our human limitations. Not only that, the Son of God lived as a man and is all too familiar with the physical, mental, and emotional sensations of exhaustion. 


When Jesus saw how the ministry work was tiring His disciples, He didn’t chastise them for feeling worn out. He didn’t say: “You shouldn’t feel tired doing the Father’s work, keep going.” Instead, He saw the problem, identified what they needed, and invited them to a practical solution…


  1. Practical rest


Jesus didn’t quickly jump to a “big-picture” spiritual analysis of the situation and urge His disciples to draw on His limitless power or something similar. Instead, He invited them to step away from their work, get a bite, and perhaps lie down for a while. 


Jesus’ very practical provision recalls God’s care of Elijah when he was on the run from Jezebel. It’s clear that Elijah was not in a good way. After sleeping, God sent an angel who gave bread and water to Elijah for refreshment and nourishment. 


It wasn’t an especially miraculous event or divine encounter or encouraging prophecy, it was simply bread and water. But it was just the practical help that Elijah needed in that moment to be equipped for what would come (1 Kings 19:1-8).


To be sure, there may be bigger reasons behind our tiredness. But sometimes, it may boil down to just needing a break. 


  1. God is always ready to refresh us


At the same time, God has promised us many times that He will refresh and strengthen us, no matter what situation we are in. 


While He does not say He will deliver us from our circumstances, He promises to deliver us through them and supply us with divine strength, stamina, and motivation to fulfil our calling and responsibilities:


“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” (Jeremiah 31:25)


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)


These promises, while given in various contexts, are wonderfully encouraging and comforting. They remind me that I can go to God openly and frankly about my feelings of exhaustion, asking for wisdom to take practical action to rest while knowing that He will give me strength to go on.



Lord, You know how tired and worn out I often feel by my schedule, my cares, and my burdens and responsibilities. Please grant me wisdom to know how to rest, as well as Your divine strength and stamina to keep going, that I may continue to fulfil Your calling in my life.


Leslie Koh

Born and raised in Singapore, Leslie spent more than 15 years as a journalist in the busy newsroom of local newspaper The Straits Times before moving to Our Daily Bread Ministries. He’s found moving from bad news to good news most rewarding, and still believes that nothing reaches out to people better than a good, compelling story. He likes eating (a lot), travelling, running, editing, and writing.

Adapted from an article first published in Spotlight Singapore © Our Daily Bread Ministries.