Singleness | Our Daily Bread Ministries

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    All That You Need

    Seated at the dining room table, I gazed at the happy chaos around me. Aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews were enjoying the food and being together at our family reunion. I was enjoying it all, too. But one thought pierced my heart: You’re the only woman here with no children. With no family you can call her own.

    Many single women like myself have similar experiences. In my culture, an Asian culture where marriage and children are highly valued, not having a family of one’s own can bring a sense of incompleteness. It can feel like you’re lacking something that…

    Singleness: The Line I Can’t Seem to Cross

    What is the purpose of a line? It is used to separate things into two categories. From where I’m standing, the people on the other side of the line are either attached or married. And here I am, on my side of the line, waiting to cross it.

    Love isn’t all about Happy Endings

    I absolutely adore animated movies—I grew up watching Disney movie after Disney movie, singing to catchy tunes and laughing along with the cute characters.

    My Heart-breaking Relationship with A Non-Christian

    On the last day of 2016, I stopped replying to his emails. Our relationship was over. It all started in August 2015, when my family members introduced me to Alex*.

    Why won’t God give me a boyfriend?

    I have a confession to make: I turn 25 this year, and I have never been in a relationship. It’s not just because I haven’t met the right person; it’s also because no one has ever pursued me before.

    Confessions of a Single Guy

    “When I was a child, I saw adults dating. When I became an adult, I saw children dating.” I laughed when I saw these words on a meme while scrolling through Instagram.

    When Will It Be My Turn?

    You meet him—you know who I’m talking about. He’s the guy you’ve been dreaming of, the one you thought you’d never even talk to . . . and then he asks you on a date, a real date!

    The Waiting Room Called “Singleness”

    There’s a raging party that is sweeping across the world. It’s exciting. It’s trendy. It has confetti and sparkly dresses and loud music. It’s desired by many. And it makes for some really swell Instagram photos.

    Why Am I Still Single?

    I was sitting in church, listening to our pastor, when my eyes fell on the couple a few rows in front of me. They did something cute—maybe she leaned her head on his shoulder or he kissed her forehead—that caught my attention.

    5 Ways to Become the Most Eligible Bachelorette

    Yes, you can congratulate me. I am finally getting married. The wedding will be held in a church, and will be followed by a fabulous lunch reception. And nope, we won’t be having a wedding banquet.

    Watching All Your Friends Get Married

    I go to a lot of weddings. Like, a lot—five this summer, five last summer. I hang out with a lot of couples. And I write a lot about singleness. Go figure, right? My life, humorous to many, typically brings about a lot of questions.

    Singles, Stop Waiting!

    Being single is great. Singleness isn’t a consolation prize, a minor league or a pre-season game. I could go on and on about the benefits of being a single pringle . . . but I won’t. Because let’s be real here, sometimes, it also sucks.

    What Singleness Taught Me About Love

    While having lunch with a girl friend one day, we touched on our favorite topic as single girls: relationships. Contrary to what many romantic drama serials and movies portray, the life of a single professional woman (especially if she is a Christian) is far from one of romance and constant social activity.

    Is Marriage the Pinnacle of Love?

    The Supreme Court of the United States of America has made gay marriage legal in all 50 states and much of our country celebrates. The world with its rainbow flags waving proudly and plentifully was our world.

    To All Single Christian Girls: There’s More to Life than Finding Your Soulmate

    My dear friends, Penning this letter brings back memories and emotions of my long, eventful journey as a single woman. Although I was a believer, I felt unloved by God.