Alcohol/Drugs | Our Daily Bread Ministries

  • Topic > Life Struggles > Addiction > Alcohol/Drugs >

    My Struggle With Alcohol: The Spirit That Never Satisfies

    I used to drink a lot. Once, I had one too many that I stumbled about the streets and passed out outside a shopping mall in the wee hours. Some kind strangers woke me up and asked if I needed to be sent to the hospital.

    A Poor Substitute

    What happens when a person abandons his faith in God? Cases differ, to be sure, but most faith-renouncers confess to sensing a void inside. They have an emptiness that must be filled. Inevitably, they turn to a God-substitute.

    Almost anything can serve as a God-substitute—sports, art, sex, music, work, gambling, drugs, alcohol, TV—even another person.