• Topic > Biblical Studies

    Gain a new perspective on following Jesus

    What does it take to get into heaven? Do we have to obey every rule? If we live a good life are we in? Let’s turn to Mark chapter 10 and Jesus’ advice to a young man working hard to get to heaven.

    Find out that it’s not about what we can do, but who we trust for our salvation

    What do I have to do to get into heaven? It’s a question men and women have been asking for centuries. Our study of the rich young ruler continues.

    Discover insight into the identity of Jesus

    Some people aren’t willing to admit that Jesus is the perfect Son of God. But they may agree that Jesus was a good teacher. Why we can’t call Jesus “good” without calling Him “Lord.”

    Jesus’ encounter with a rich young man who thought he knew what it meant to follow God

    The scientific community once believed that the earth was flat, and that leeches were good medicine. Obviously our perceptions don’t always match reality! Turns out a rich young man who thought he knew what it meant to follow the Lord was way off!

    Fresh insight into becoming a man or woman of wisdom

    We all want to make wise choices, and not look foolish. But grasping true wisdom doesn’t always come naturally! Practical application from God’s Word.

    Discover how having wisdom impacts what we say

    Our words can either build others up, or tear them down. Hear the challenging study in Proverbs 31.

    Discover why wisdom requires diligence

    When we make today’s priorities tomorrow’s problem, and push deadlines to the last minute, we know procrastination has set in! It’s a practical reminder from Proverbs 31.

    How a wise person approaches others with an open hand

    We may think holding tightly to our possessions and riches is the wise choice. Yet, God’s Word tells us the exact opposite! We’re talking about the quality of generosity.

    Discover fresh insights in our study of Proverbs 31

    Call someone “shrewd” and there’s a chance they won’t consider that a compliment! Why being savvy is an important part of being wise!

    Why inner strength is a wise quality for both men and women

    It’s common to view “strength” as a manly characteristic. But Proverbs 31 tells us that women can be just as “mighty”! Our series on Proverbs 31 continues.

    Let’s take a closer look at wisdom in action, in Proverbs chapter 31

    The book of Proverbs is full of godly wisdom for every area of our lives. And in the final chapter of that book, we get to see how this wisdom is lived out day by day!

    A fresh perspective on the identity of the Proverbs 31 woman

    Proverbs 31 is often referenced as a great example of a godly woman. But could this chapter be a model for both women and men? Discover why this passage is applicable to everyone.

    Discover how our lives fit into God’s grand, unfolding plan

    It’s part of our nature to narrow our focus onto ourselves. But if we take a step back, we’ll be able to see what God is doing on a wider scale! Let’s complete our study on the life of Jacob.

    Continuing our series on Jacob, and discovering how God is for us!

    Ever felt like you and the Lord were going toe-to-toe over an issue in your life? Let’s study Genesis chapter 32 and Jacob’s wrestling match with God. We’ll discover that God is not against us, but rather, He’s for us!

    Discover who God chooses to be part of His family

    The more we discover who the Old Testament character of Jacob was, the more we may wonder why God would ever want to be associated with such a person, let alone have a relationship with him! We’re getting to know “The God of Jacob.”