• Topic > Biblical Studies

    Are There Superhumans In This World?

    A YouTube video titled “Stan Lee’s Superhuman Super Samurai” caught my attention recently. Having been trained in Japanese martial arts myself, I was curious to find out what this super samurai, Isao Machii, could do. True to the video’s claim that he possessed superhuman ability to slice through the smallest objects with incredible speed and […]

    Discover the most important ingredient in a Christian’s life

    It’s been said you can live 40 days without food, 4 days without water, 4 minutes without air. But you can’t live 4 seconds without hope. Join our brand new series on “Discover the Word” as we discover our hope of Christ.

    Paradise Lost

    Gary Inrig takes us to Genesis 3 so we can be reminded of the purpose for which we were created and enjoy His good gifts as He intended.

    Discover proof that Jesus will never forget us

    God hasn’t overlooked us in the past, and God doesn’t ignore us today. But can we ever be sure that God won’t forget us in the future? Join us today as we discover the answer from a thief on a cross.

    How God lovingly responded to Samson’s final prayer

    After a lifetime of ignoring God and piling up mistakes, we’d assume God would in turn forget Samson. But today join us as we discover God’s response to Samson’s final prayer: “Please remember me!” God never leaves or forsakes us.

    Need a reminder that God hasn’t forgotten you?

    Remember Me! That was the heartfelt prayer of a woman who felt lost and completely forgotten by God. Discover how God answered Hannah’s prayer in a personal and loving way.

    How does God want us to respond to the life He’s given us?

    We’re not in control of the hand we’ve been dealt. But we do have a choice in how we play the cards we have. Join us as we conclude our study in Ruth with a biblical challenge.

    Discover the visible fingerprints of God in the smallest details of life

    Sometimes it can feel like we serve an unseen God. Yet, if we were to look closer, we’d find God is nearer than we think! Join us as we continue exploring the book of Ruth.

    Why I Started Thinking About Resurrection

    I was having dinner with a good friend one evening, when she suddenly asked, “So what exactly is Good Friday all about?” It was the first time anyone had asked me such a question, and I was caught off guard. Thankfully, I managed to recover from my surprise, and explained to my friend, who was […]

    A surprising biblical scene with a woman proposing!

    Traditionally, it’s a guy’s job to get down on one knee to ask for a lady’s hand in marriage. Well, our discussion today runs into a surprising biblical scene with a woman proposing! What’s that all about? Don’t miss our exciting conversation today.

    How do we offer God’s love to others when we feel empty of it ourselves?

    You can’t give what you don’t think you have. So how do we offer God’s love to others when we feel empty of it ourselves? Today we discover how Naomi went from hollow emptiness to overflowing fullness!

    How Naomi heard from God through her daughter-in-law Ruth

    In her season of pain, Naomi asked, “Where are you God? Why have you forsaken me?” And the way God answered her was completely unexpected! Don’t miss the encouraging discussion today as we continue our series on Ruth.

    What Ruth teaches us about the spirit of God’s law

    Many people view God’s law as a list of “dos and don’ts.” But the story of Ruth reveals a bigger perspective on God’s instructions. Join us as we discover the difference between being good and being changed!

    Let’s gather around the table to study the life of Ruth

    Sometimes loving God with all your heart looks a lot like you’re “breaking the rules”! Join our special guest Carolyn Custis James as we continue our series on the life of Ruth and explore those times when it seems like the letter of the law is in conflict with the spirit of the law.

    How God answered the prayer of a hurting mother

    When we asked God honest questions, He sometimes answers us in unexpected ways. Listen in today as we explore “the gospel of Ruth”!