• Ministry > fabiolafrancis


    A fifth way we can know God through the Bible might be the most obvious. In this sense, the Bible is far more important to us than all the communication systems of the world. The Bible is nothing less than the means God has chosen to communicate His thoughts and desires to us. The people of His book and their…

    THE MOOD (Emotion)

    A fourth way we can know God through His book is by looking for Him in the moods of the Bible. We are emotional beings, created in the image of a God who has made us to walk with Him not only with our minds but also with our emotions. We have been created with the capacity to share God’s…


    The setting of a story is also important for us to know the God of the Bible. It is never by accident that He makes things happen where they do. If we spend some time thinking about the places in the Bible, we will see more deeply into God’s mind and character.

    Learning From Literature.

    An author chooses the setting of his…


    The second way we can know God through His book is to take note of what He does and doesn’t value in people. The people of Scripture are there because of their relationship with God—positive or negative. As we observe that relationship, we will learn not only about the Bible characters but also about the Lord—what He likes and doesn’t…


    The first way we can know the God of the Bible through His book is by observing what happens in its pages. As we trace the sequence of events, the storyline, we will see God in action: creating, making things happen, reacting to the things that take place in His world, and responding to the needs of man. All of…

    Fulfillment In Marriage

    The key question when our marriage has hit a rough spot is, “Now what? What are we going to do about it?” The man’s and woman’s commitment to work through and resolve the issues creating the disillusionment is vitally important. It can lead to the kind of reconciliation and acceptance that makes marriage worth it for life.

    Some of us have…

    Disillusionment In Marriage

    It might begin as early as the honeymoon. The suspicion, the shadow that might already have been cast on the back edge of his or her thinking or emotions. A little smudge has appeared on her halo; a little tarnish on his suit of shining armor.

    She ignores it. But it keeps coming back. He’s not the gentleman she thought he…

    Covenant Of Marriage

    The relatives and friends are seated. The organ is playing softly while candles flicker in the background. The attendants are standing in place. The father has said, “Her mother and I.” The soloist has just finished.
    The audience is silent. The minister speaks. “Please join hands and repeat after me. I, James, take you, Susan . . .”

    Expectation moves into reality…

    Expectations In Marriage

    So what’s in it for me?” It’s a question worth asking about marriage, and not without reason.

    • To the high school girl, it’s her wedding day, a white gown, four beautiful bridesmaids, candles, flowers, and a friend-filled reception.
    • To the newlyweds, it’s shared vows, intimacy, friendship, and adventure.
    • To the couple married 15 years, it’s children, companionship, and building.
    • To those married 35 years,…

    Project Faith

    To help reach out to our kids for Christ, we have embarked upon 'Project Faith' where we present 10-day devotional booklets to children through Christian schools. Children in classes 2-6 get readings from the 'Our Daily Bread for Kids' while children in classes 7 - 12 get readings from the Our Daily Bread Teen edition, along with a brochure with details of other biblical resources for kids.

    365 Devotions for Women by Women

    God Hears Her: Devotions by Women for Women is a collection of Our Daily Bread devotionals specifically selected to bring comfort and encouragement to your everyday life. Each meditation was written by a woman to speak to another woman’s heart. The personal stories, Scripture passages, and inspirational quotes lift you up and remind you that God is bigger than the trials you face.