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    Lest We Forget: Remembering the Sacrifices of the Anzac Nurses

    The endless procession of stretchers bearing severely wounded men drove home the horrors of the First World War (1914-1918) for Australian nurse Florence Narelle Jessie Hobbes, yet her determination to save and comfort the wounded saw her press on in the face of exhaustion, the lack of food, and an unforgiving climate.

    To the One Who Feels Like Giving Up on God

    Dear Friend,

    Do you find yourself feeling hopeless and ready to give up on God? Or are you buried in loneliness, having lost sight of God’s love for you? If so, I have been there, and I want to tell you that God has a way of meeting you in the midst of your struggle.

    When I Realized I Was Lukewarm

    In 2012, I was in a near-fatal car accident and suffered extensive brain injury as a result. Up till then, I had been working as a family doctor in northwest Indiana, USA, for six years.

    Should Israel Folau Have Said What He Said? – Part 2

    About a year ago, Israel Folau made a post on his personal Instagram account that polarized the rugby world and the Australian public.

    5 Ways to Prepare for Easter

    “Will you Easter with me?”

    At first, my kiddo’s syntactical error made me giggle. But after a moment, I realized that she’d said something very profound.

    Are We Missing the Point of Lent?

    From a distance, Lent appeared to be a time of forced obedience when people tried to “clean themselves up” by fasting or going for extra church services. It felt less like a special season of the Christian life and more like an attempt to “schedule time with God.”

    Dumbo: A Trumpeting Call to Defend the Weak

    Tim Burton’s adaptation of Dumbo had me in a flood of tears, and it was not tears of joy that flowed freely down my cheeks.

    I Thought I Would Never Forgive

    When I got married and moved in with my husband’s family, there were many conflicts. I was immature and hot-tempered, and exchanged many harsh words with my in-laws.

    Autism Awareness Day: How I Learned to Enter into Their World

    He was having a very bad day. Something in his routine had changed. He was screaming, crying, and dashing around, hitting out at tables, the walls, and even his forehead. As his distress level escalated, he started grabbing my shirt and pulling at my hair. When he scratched me amid the tugging, I held him at his wrists and said with a steady voice, “Ouch, it’s painful.”

    I Learned the Secret to Time Management

    It was late afternoon. I was still at my computer, supposedly editing an article our website needed soon. My son was noisily racing his toy cars across the living room floor—an audible reminder that I hadn’t had time to play with him that afternoon. I also still needed to plan and cook dinner at some point before my husband and sister came home from work.

    Am I Responsible for My Friend’s Salvation?

    I remember the moment l entered a relationship with Jesus as though it were yesterday.

    It happened 10 years ago, on a chilly January evening. My friend Hannah led me in prayer and confession while we were seated in her car, parked outside a supermarket.

    3 Signs Your Emotions Are Ruling Your Life

    It took everything in me not to text back. I turned my phone off in vehement protest. I would not let my emotions get the best of me. I would not be that person who was reckless with their words.

    Where Our Love Story Went Wrong

    “What do you find the greatest joy in?”

    I paused, thinking about what puts a smile on my face, what keeps me going every day, and what gives me the most happiness.

    “I suppose I find the greatest joy . . . in you,” I said softly.

    “Me too.”

    I Stopped Avoiding Negative Emotions

    I’ve always disliked being emotional. Perhaps it started when I watched my parents fight as a child. I never understood how a simple discussion over loading the dishwasher or cooking dinner could explode into a fight that might last for days.

    When I Couldn’t Sleep At Night

    I had a heavy cold one Sunday night, and by nine o’clock—an unimaginably early hour—I was beginning to feel sleepy. So I hurriedly got ready for bed, and was tucked in before 10.