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    A Counsellor’s Journey to the Border of Depression

    2014 was the worst year of my life. I consider that year to be my deepest pit. I was going through complicated grief, emotional abuse at work, burnout, and I experienced so much hurt and rejection from the ministries where I served as a leader.

    Why Am I So Stuck In My Growth As A Christian?

    “I always seem to come back to square one.” That was what I said to my leader many years back, while a university student serving as a youth ministry volunteer.

    Is Anxiety A Sin?

    Your hands turn sweaty when you think about going to school. Your heart pounds like a drum when you’re almost at the counter but still can’t decide what to eat for lunch.

    Confessions of Jealous Person

    There’s a bitterness that has lingered deep inside my soul and infected it with poison. Its name is jealousy, and it took over my life for far too long. However, I didn’t realize its chokehold on my life until this past month.

    When Work is Routine and Life is a Bore

    Disappointment. Boredom. Routine. These three words aptly described how I felt towards my job at the beginning of 2017.

    Where Is God In The Midst Of Heartbreak?

    I lay face down on my bed, soaking my pillow with tears. Crickets chirped and whirred, cloaked in the darkness outside my window. I drew the warm blanket over my head, wanting to keep the world out.

    What Does It Mean to Be Sanctified?

    Someone recently wrote “#holy” on my dorm room door. I live in a dorm at a Christian college and facilitate a weekly Bible study on my floor, so this innovative hashtag made me smile. It also brought to mind a question I have been wrestling with for the past several weeks.

    Submission: A Blessing or Bane?

    I grew up in a very lenient family where my parents would give me advice, but let me make the final decision. As a result, I learned to pursue after my own interests, feelings, and dreams.

    5 Reasons I Believe in the Trinity

    Ten years ago, I rejected the doctrine of the Trinity. I grew up with the concept that there is one God who eternally exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    How Do I Stay Close to God in A World Full of Distractions?

    Life and all that it entails has become extremely complex today. Social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well as the real-time availability of entertainment on mobile devices

    Should Israel Folau Have Said What He Said?

    Words can build up or destroy. For Australia rugby star Israel Folau, it was a lesson he had to learn the hard way after his response to a comment on his Instagram post went viral—and awry.

    The Israel Folau Saga: Should He Have Said What He Said?

    Words can build up or destroy. For Australia rugby star Israel Folau, it was a lesson he had to learn the hard way after his response to a comment on his Instagram post went viral—and awry.

    Remembering Anzac Day And An Exemplary Army Chaplain

    The call for a “padre” rang out down the line. Some poor “digger” (the colloquial term for an Australian soldier) had died and a chaplain was needed for the burial service.

    Do Worship Styles Matter?

    I was raised in a small, old-fashioned Pentecostal church in New York, USA. Singing simple hymns every Sunday grew my appreciation for those century-old classics used to praise God. I enjoyed the straightforward and doctrinally sound lyrics, as well as the simplicity and clarity of the music. I began to think that traditional hymns were […]

    Introverts Can Evangelize Too

    For a long time, I could not imagine myself sharing the gospel. When I was a new Christian, I did not like telling people that I was a Christian because I was afraid that they would ask me about my faith.