Ministry > YMI
How I Discovered the Key to Hearing God’s Voice
“God told me to…”
All my life as a Christian, I’ve heard people around me use those words. People I looked up to would recount testimonies of how God had dramatically changed the course of their lives through an audible voice.
Lessons I Learned from Getting Fired
The Outlook notification chimes at the corner of your screen. A calendar invite for a meeting. It’s from your reporting officer and your boss. It’s one of those meetings you wished you could click “decline”.
Thank God I Struggle With Same-Sex Attraction
Yes, you read that right. It sounded ridiculous—even sadistic—to me as well, when my friend said a similar prayer years ago. But today, these seven precious words have taken on a new meaning for me.
I’ve Arrived. Now What?
It’s been a year since I graduated college, and so much has happened already! I’ve been blessed with a fun and challenging job in my field of study.
Turning a Blind Eye to an Inconsiderate Person
Though we were standing right in front of him, the man remained seated and did not budge.
God Convicted Me of My Bad Work Attitude
Recently, I overheard a colleague asking her manager about another staff member. He had joined six months ago, but my colleague had not seen him around for a while.
God Convicted Me of My Bad Work Attitude
Recently, I overheard a colleague asking her manager about another staff member. He had joined six months ago, but my colleague had not seen him around for a while.
God Uses Our Brokenness For His Glory
I was rummaging through a collection of papers and knick-knacks on my bedside dresser when I noticed a card from my sister.
Stewardship Is Not Just About Money
My daughter will turn two this summer, and she has a new favorite word. “Mine!” seems to work its way into her limited vocabulary at a pretty regular rate.
Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist
Hi, I’m Raphael, and I’m a recovering perfectionist. I’ve been a perfectionist for as long as I’ve lived.
My Friend Is In God’s Hands
Yen* and I walked down a narrow alley in silence. A few days earlier, Yen had sent me a text message: “I want to go to this clinic where you can check for AIDS…”
3 Tips for Handling Conflicts from the Trump-Kim Summit
So, the big day finally arrived. Yesterday (12 June) the world stopped as US president Donald J Trump met with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong Un to hash out their plans for world peace.
Trump-Kim Summit: Real Peace or Fake News?
Today (June 12), the tiny island-state of Singapore hosted one of the most historic events of our generation—the summit between the president of the United States of America (US), Donald J Trump, and his counterpart from North Korea, Kim Jong Un.
What Not To Say To Someone Struggling With Mental Illness
Their eyebrows rose when I told them what I was writing about. I was grabbing lunch at a Christian Writer’s conference, and somehow ended up explaining to two other women that I was writing about my faith journey in light of a bipolar diagnosis.
What I Wish I Knew When I was 17
Dear 17-year-old me,
How exciting it must be! You have the world at your feet, and you’re about to embark upon what some call “the best years of your life.”