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    What to Do When You’re Stuck in Comparison

    I don’t know when it started. I don’t recall the first girl I looked at and thought to myself, she’s so much prettier than me. Surely it started before I began to mumble excuses under my breath regarding my lack of abilities.

    How Can We Be “In the World, But Not of It”?

    In regard to my choice of college, I was fully IN the world. I attended a large state university, where students that I lived with smoked various substances, drank under-age, partied, slept around, and neglected class work.

    3 Reasons I Welcome Refugees (And 3 Ways You Can, Too)

    Did you know nearly one in 100 people worldwide are displaced from their homes?

    Refugees have become so much more than an Associated Press photo in my mind and my heart. For three years, I taught students at a refugee center in Uganda.

    How the Gospel Transformed My Life

    I sank into near depression after giving birth four years ago. My days were spent in tears of self-pity as I faced many issues on my own as a new mom, combined with misunderstandings with my husband and in-laws. My marriage was on the rocks. I had no joy. My life was a mess I could not get out of.

    Why Do Some People Believe All Religions Lead to the Same God?

    The idea that truth is exclusive does not sit well with many people today, does it?

    In fact, it is deeply upsetting to some. We cherish the liberty to decide for ourselves what is true and what is not; at the same time, we demand that others be truthful to us.

    What Should Christians Do About the Pain and Suffering in This World?

    I never expected celebrity chef and writer Anthony Bourdain to take his own life. No one did. Few guessed the internal struggles that sapped his zest for living, even while publicly he personified vitality itself. Sad news comes as a shock, even when there is so much of it.

    What Should Christians Do About the Pain and Suffering in This World?

    I never expected celebrity chef and writer Anthony Bourdain to take his own life. No one did. Few guessed the internal struggles that sapped his zest for living, even while publicly he personified vitality itself. Sad news comes as a shock, even when there is so much of it.

    Why Social Media Scares Me Sometimes

    I’m an old soul. I’d rather read an actual book than a device. I prefer hymns to contemporary worship. I was mercilessly made fun of once for saying that a glass of iced tea “hit the spot.” So it probably comes as no surprise for me to tell you that social media. . . scares me sometimes.

    How God Comforted Me in the Midst of Pain

    Nobody told me how hard it was going to be.

    Nobody told me about the emotional roller-coaster ride I would go on after hearing the words of the emergency room doctor, “Your daughter needs immediate attention at a larger hospital.”

    Why I Stopped Trying to Earn God’s Love

    It started out great. She liked me and I liked her. We hugged and held hands and spent entire Saturdays together. It was great for about a month or so. But then I said something that triggered a downward spiral.

    Reaching Out to the Church That Rejected Me

    One morning when I was eight, I raced to the canteen excitedly with a female friend, all too keen to escape the prison cell of the classroom. In my eagerness, my hand accidentally swung upwards and lifted her skirt.

    How God Used My Painful Experiences to Bless Others

    A few weeks ago, my Bible study group in church was reading Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life together. There was a section from the book that stood out to me.

    3 Things To Do When Life Feels Meaningless

    I felt like I was on top of the world. It was, after all, any young man’s dream come true. I was in my mid-20s with a high paying job, good career prospects, and all the comforts and luxuries that life could offer. What more could anyone wish for?

    Why Is It So Hard to Evangelize?

    After a few years of attending campus ministry at my university, I became increasingly gripped by the gospel, and evangelizing to my friends quickly took a front seat in life. I started spending time planning and meeting my non-Christian friends and thinking hard about who in my life could benefit from hearing the gospel.

    Your Future Is Not Determined By Your Circumstances

    Many people believe that in order to achieve success, one needs a head start in life–you need to be ahead right at the starting line. What this means is that your chance of “success” is determined by your family background. If you come from a privileged background, you have a higher chance of success in life.