Discovery Series offers more than 200 Bible-based teachings from the study of Scripture to topics on everyday life. Each booklet provides spiritual tools to help you grow in your walk with Christ.
Ministry > Discovery Series
What Is Real Love?
In a world where love means different things to different people, how can you know when it’s real? Author Bill Crowder examines 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 to reveal the heart of Christ as the most definitive description of real love. Discover a love that endures all things when you open your heart to receive God’s unfailing love.
God’s Protection of Women
Physical, emotional, and verbal abuse can do to a marriage what murder or rape does to a life. In this booklet, author Herb Vander Lugt shares insight from Scripture to reveal God’s compassion for and protection of women who are involved in abusive marriage relationships.
When Help Is Needed: A Biblical View Of Counseling
When times of overwhelming pressure and stress lead you to seek help, where do you go and how can you know if the guidance you’re getting is trustworthy? Counselor Tim Jackson takes you through a personal assessment with a series of questions and insight from Scripture that will help you understand when, how, and where to turn for biblical counseling.
Our Eternal Home
What does the Bible say about heaven, who will be there, and what you will do for all of eternity? In this study, author Richard W. De Haan examines Scripture to give you a glimpse of heaven. You’ll gain insight into what it looks like, what will occur there, and why it will be an ongoing experience of joy for all who have placed their trust in the One who promised to prepare a place for them.
When God Isn’t Answering Your Prayer: Psalm 77
Where is God when you need Him? Why isn’t He responding to your call? In an excerpt from his book Psalms: Folk Songs of Faith, author Ray Stedman shares insights from Psalm 77 to help those who are struggling with feelings of doubt and disappointment in God. Discover how you can persevere through the silence and allow God to bring you to a place of
unshakeable faith.
10 Reasons to Believe in Life After Death
The belief that Jesus Christ rose from the dead is key to the Christian faith—giving hope and eternal worth to what happens beyond physical death. In this study from 1 Corinthians 15, Herb Vander Lugt explores the resurrection of Christ and its importance to your destiny. Discover life-changing hope that can dismiss the fear of facing death and give you assurance of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Do You Believe In Magic? Interacting With The Spirit World
Interest in magic and a fascination with supernatural knowledge and power have become a part of today’s culture. This fascination raises questions in the minds of many. Find out what the Bible has to say about magic, as author Dennis Fisher offers a biblical response to some of the questions you may have regarding popular views of magic, the dangers of experimenting with magic, and the difference between real and make-believe magic.
Self-Esteem: What Does The Bible Say?
Having a healthy and realistic opinion of yourself is a key element in your ability to succeed in life. In this booklet, author Mart De Haan shares a biblical perspective on the importance of self-esteem to help you gain a better understanding of whose opinion really counts in life. Discover what it means to trust the counsel, love, and power of God—the most significant Person in life.
The Greatest Story Ever Told
From Genesis to Revelation, a story unfolds that begins and ends in paradise—the greatest story ever told from the timeless pages of the Bible. With fresh perspective and imagination, Mart De Haan takes you on a journey through the Old and New Testaments to retell the story of God’s vision for mankind.
What Does The Bible Say About Patience?
In a world that offers quick solutions and instant results, the timeless virtue of patience is all but forgotten. In this booklet, RBC Ministries staff Dean Ohlman shares insights from Scripture to help you recognize the important of patience as a godly attribute. Discover how you can faithfully move forward in difficult times with a good attitude—working and persevering toward a God-honoring end.
Living an Authentic Christian Life
What does it mean to live a real Christian life? In an excerpt from his book Authentic Christianity, author Ray Stedman shares insights from 2 Corinthians to help you find the answer. Gain a better understanding of the unmistakable qualities of Christianity from Paul’s experiences as a follower of Jesus. Discover how you can live in total dependence on God and truly display His glory to others.
The Da Vinci Code: Separating Fact From Fiction
In the book The Da Vinci Code, author Dan Brown alleges scientific evidence that the New Testament is false testimony—a claim that has caused confusion, doubt, and anger among many faithful followers of Christ. In this booklet, author Dennis Fisher helps you sort out the facts from the fiction. Find out how you can know where the truth begins and ends.
What’s The Appeal Of The New Age Movement?
New Age thinking has become more visible today in art, music, business, education, and government; however, this increasing interest in “spirituality” is creating a move away from Christ. In this booklet, co-authors Dan Vander Lugt and Kurt De Haan examine the teachings and tactics of the New Age movement. Find out how it differs from biblical Christianity and how you can avoid its path of delusion.
Anticipating The Birth Of Christ
Discover how you can develop a heart of contentment and a spirit of humility.