• Ministry > daydaynaw

    The Church: God’s People and Possession

    When we hear the word church, it’s common to have an image of a physical structure. From what we read in Scripture, however, we’re compelled to think “people” over “place,” “believers” instead of “buildings.” Indeed, the Greek word ekklesia (translated “church”) means “assembly,” and in most cases in the New Testament it refers to a gathering of believers in Jesus in…

    Family Matters

    Every evening at 7:00, no matter where she is or how tired or busy she may be, Jo calls her elderly mother. If for some reason Jo isn’t able to talk at that time, she makes sure to text her mom to let her know. Even though it can be a challenge to do this day after day, Jo does…

    Celebration in His Presence

    Many years ago, 100 high-pressured deodorant guns were installed at a large city dump, one of several hundred smelly landfill sites that had become the focus of growing public concern. To saturate the mounds of putrefying garbage, the cannons sprayed several gallons of fragrance per minute at a distance of more than 160 feet. But no matter how much deodorant…

    Read: Psalm 146:3 Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.

    Election Fever on My Mind

    I’ve always thought of myself as a “rational voter”. Instead of being swayed by election rhetoric and controversies, I’ve always tried to focus on what I believe should ultimately win my vote: who can do a better job. (And I really mean…

    5 Unexpected Lessons COVID-19 Taught Me

    Marvin Williams

    When Our Daily Bread author Marvin Williams and his wife contracted the coronavirus, he discovered some new lessons about God and his own faith.

    COVID-19 is a difficult but masterful teacher. On March 29, my wife and I tested positive for the virus. When our doctors called us with our test results, we experienced a wide…

    Lockdown Essentials: What Could Christians be Doing Now?

    Ajith Fernando

    While the Bible does not dwell much on the “whys” of things like epidemics, it clearly teaches that when there is a great need, Christians must seek to be involved. Our God is a God who acts, and He often acts through us.

    Let us look at 10 things we could do at…

    MM Mobile App Download

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    COVID-19 and Psalm 91: Ajith Fernando

    Many people are asking today about whether we can quote Psalm 91 to assure ourselves that we will be freed from the Corona Virus. Let's look at this issue scripturally.

    In the Bible there are promises, principles and commands that are generally true, but which have exceptions. The general commands to obey parents “in everything” (Colossians…