• Ministry > Our Daily Bread Christian University

    Living Out Our Faith

    How do you live out your faith in your everyday life? God calls you to live a life that obeys the words of Jesus Christ. This course will show you how to continue to grow in your faith and to live out your faith in every area of your life.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    Growing in The Faith

    This course takes an in-depth look at what it means to follow Christ while learning how to study His words on being a disciple.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    The Basics of Our Faith

    This course will explain the foundations of the Christian Faith as found in the Bible.  You will learn about the Bible, who God is as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; what Salvation is and what the Church is and is not.  This is a great course for group study with teens and those searching for truth about God.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    Our Saving Faith

    This world was once a perfect place where God and Adam and Eve had a perfect relationship. Unfortunately the world did not stay that way. This course will reveal how that once-perfect relationship was wrecked through sin and that now all mankind is born sinful. You will also learn about the one person who can wipe away all your sin. This is a great course for group study with teens and those searching for truth about God.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    In the Beginning

    Does God really exist? If God does exist, why is that important? This course will introduce you to the idea that God does exist, who He is, what He wants from you, and why this is important for you. This is a great course for group study with teens and those searching for truth about God.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    Building Biblical Theology

    Faithful Christians have always recognized the importance of the progress of biblical history, especially as it relates to humanity’s fall into sin and to God’s redemptive work. The discipline of biblical theology arose as a means to study this progress in responsible ways. Much like systematic theology, biblical theology organizes theological ideas in ways that increase our understanding of Scripture. But whereas systematic theology organizes its ideas according to topics, biblical theology organizes its findings in historical periods or epochs. Used rightly, biblical theology is a powerful and helpful tool for interpreting and applying the Bible.

    Ultimate Leadership II

    Based on spiritual principles of leadership and character development, this course five-lesson course offers studies on Setting Boundaries, Identifying Travel Companions, Dealing with Toxic People and more. The Ultimate Leadership course will give you practical skills that will increase your success in every area of life.

    The Ultimate Leadership Series is offered in two separate courses, to take Ultimate Leadership I click here.

    Don’t miss the Ultimate Leadership Workshops with Dr. Cloud & Dr. Townsend (Click here to learn more).

    Ultimate Leadership I

    Based on spiritual principles of leadership and character development, this four-lesson course offers studies on Character and Leadership, Knowing God’s Will, Building Trust and more. The Ultimate Leadership course will give you practical skills that will increase your success in every area of life.

    The Ultimate Leadership Series is offered in two separate courses, to take Ultimate Leadership II click here.

    Don’t miss the Ultimate Leadership Workshops with Dr. Cloud & Dr. Townsend (Click here to learn more).

    Introduction to Theology

    This course is designed to introduce you to the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. The teaching method is systematic, but it locates each topic within Scripture and with reference to formative historical concerns. The course assumes that you have some basic familiarity with the Bible.

    The course recognizes that the discipline of theology itself is not well understood, and therefore strives not only to teach theological content, but also method. You will be invited into the act of “faith-thinking” (fides quaerens intellectum), aiming to cultivate the lifelong virtue of intellectual obedience to the Word of God.

    Gálatas-1 Corintios: Las Cartas Más Antiguas de Pablo

    Las epístolas del Nuevo Testamento a los Gálatas y a los Tesalonicenses son las cartas más antiguas de Pablo que se conservan. En ellas Pablo comienza a establecer un fundamento teológico y conductual para la fe y el comportamiento cristiano. Este curso, Gálatas-1 Corintios: las cartas más antiguas de Pablo, sintetiza esos antiguos escritos.

    Romanos-Efesios: Carta a la Iglesia Romana y Cartas Desde una Prisión Romana

    Roma era la capital del mundo. Aunque cuando Pablo escribió la carta a los cristianos en Roma todavía no había visitado esa ciudad, quería asegurarse de que supieran con claridad lo que el evangelio era realmente. En la carta a los Romanos vemos la gran declaración teológica de Pablo acerca de la salvación. Más tarde, Pablo estuvo preso en Roma mientras esperaba su juicio delante del César. Durante el tiempo que permaneció allí escribió cuatro cartas. En este curso, Romanos-Efesios: carta a la iglesia romana y cartas desde una prisión romana, estudiaremos las cartas que Pablo escribió a Roma y…

    Fundamentos del Nuevo Testamento: cosas que pensamos que sabíamos

    Es una introducción al Nuevo Testamento y sintetiza información importante para guiar el pensamiento del alumno a la hora de estudiar los libros del Nuevo Testamento. Esta información es básica y esencial para una mejor comprensión de las escrituras del Nuevo Testamento.

    Apocalipsis: El Libro de la Revelación, el Fin y el Comienzo

    En Apocalipsis: el libro de la revelación, el fin y el comienzo, el Nuevo Testamento y la Biblia culminan con esta gloriosa descripción del Apocalipsis de Jesucristo. Todos los acontecimientos de la historia culminan con la fantástica historia del triunfo final de Jesucristo sobre el mal y la restauración de todas las cosas a su diseño creado.

    El credo de los apóstoles

    Hay muchas denominaciones, divisiones y disputas teológicas en la iglesia moderna. Pero a pesar de estos desacuerdos, hay un centro común de convicción que todos los cristianos fieles han afirmado a lo largo de la historia. Y por casi dos milenios, esto se ha resumido en el credo de los apóstoles. Este curso explica la historia y el uso del credo de los apóstoles, así como los detalles y la importancia de cada uno de sus artículos de fe. Está basado en los videos producidos por Third Millennium Ministries.

    El centro de la teología paulina

    A menudo luchamos con el individualismo, el legalismo y la confusión respecto a la segunda venida de Cristo. Este curso te ayudará a abordar estas cuestiones, al explorar el mensaje central de Pablo, y repasar sus enseñanzas en Gálatas, 1 y 2 Tesalonicenses, y 1 y 2 Corintios. Obtendrás una mejor comprensión del reino de Dios, y te regocijarás en Jesús y los maravillosos planes que tiene para Su pueblo y Su mundo. El curso está basado en las lecciones en formato DVD del Dr. Reggie M. Kidd, producidas por el ministerioThird Millennium Ministries.