• Ministry > Our Daily Bread Christian University

    صياغة اللاهوت النظامي

    كثيرون مِنّا درسوا اللاهوت النظامي، ولكنْ نادراً ما نفكّر بعملية صياغته وبنائه وتطوُّره إلى ما يُرى عليه. يحلِّل هذا المساق خطوات بناء وصياغة اللاهوت النظامي، خاصّة صياغة المُصطلحات التقنية، والبيانات اللاهوتية، والبيانات العقائدية. يهدف هذا المساق لدراسة شرعية اللاهوت النظامي، ومكانة المنطق البشري في عملية بنائه وصياغته، وأخطار هذه الأداة وفوائدها. هذا المساق مبني على سلسلة أقراص فيديو لـ”خدمات الألفية الثالثة” للدكتور ريتشارد ل. برات، الابن.

    صياغة لاهوتك

    هل يبدو اللاهوت في بعض الأحيان معقّداً وجافاً وغامضاً بالنسبة لك؟ لا ينبغي أن تكون هذه طبيعته إن تمّت صياغته بشكلٍ مناسب وصحيح. سيساعدك هذا المساق في أن تتعلّم كيف تصوغ لاهوتك على أساس الكتاب المُقدس المتين، ولكن بحماسٍ وتطبيق عملي أيضاً. يمثّل هذا المساق مُقدِّمةً إلى علم الاهوت، ولذا فهو يعلِّم عن هدف صياغة اللاهوت وأهميّته، ويعلّمك عن مصادر الإعلان المختلفة، ومعنى الوحي، والتفسير الصحيح للكتاب المُقدَّس، ونقاط التشديد المُميّزة والخاصّة في اللاهوت المُصلَحي. هذا المساق مبني على سلسلة أقراص فيديو لـ”خدمات الألفية الثالثة” للدكتور ريتشارد ل. برات، الابن.

    تاريخ البدايات

     يقدّم هذا المساق تحليلاً للأصحاحات 1-11 من سفر التكوين، فينظر إلى خلفيتها، وبنيتها الأدبية، ومعناها الأصلي، وهدفها اللاهوتي، وتطبيقها في أيّامنا الحاضرة. لماذا اختار موسى أن يروي تاريخ الخليقة والسقوط والطوفان العظيم وبرج بابل بالطريقة التي نراها مُدوَّنة بها؟ هذا المساق مبني على سلسلة أقراص فيديو لـ”خدمات الألفية الثالثة” للدكتور ريتشارد ل. برات، الابن.

    لبّ لاهوت بولس

     كثيراً ما نصارع مع الفردية، والناموسية، والتشويش بشأن المجيء الثاني للمسيح. سيساعدك هذا المساق في معالجة هذه القضايا باستكشاف الرسالة المركزية التي نادى بها الرسول بولس، وبالنظر إلى تعاليم رسائل غلاطية وتسالونيكي الأولى والثانية وكورنثوس الأولى والثانية. فمن خلال هذا المساق ستحصل على فهمٍ أفضل لملكوت الله، وستمتلئ بالفرح في يسوع المسيح وخططه الرائعة المدهشة لشعبه وعالمه. هذا المساق مبني على دراسة هذه الرسائل في تسجيلات فيديو لـ”خدمات الألفية الثالثة” للدكتور ريغي م. كيد (Reggie M. Kid).

    Paul’s Prison Epistles

    This course offers an analysis of four of the epistles that Paul wrote from prison (Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, and Philippians). As Christians we face many challenges to our faith. False teachings and worldviews assault our loyalty to Christ. Suffering tempts us to think that God is not in control, or that He does have our best interests at heart. And our relationships with other believers are often strained to the point that we doubt the value of the church. But Paul responded to these types of difficulties in his letters from prison. This course is a study of these epistles, based on…

    Building Your Theology

    Does theology sometimes seem complicated, dry and abstract to you? It shouldn’t be that way, if it is done properly. This course will help you learn to build your theology on the certain foundation of the Scriptures, but also with pathos and practical application. As an introduction to theology, this course teaches the purpose and importance of doing theology, the different sources of revelation, the meaning of inspiration, the proper interpretation of Scripture, and the key distinctive emphases of reformed theology. It is based on the DVD lessons of Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

    He Gave Us Prophets

    This course gives an introductory perspective for the study of the prophets of the Old Testament. It dispels common misunderstandings about the prophets, provides guidelines for interpreting prophecy, and gives the student confidence to begin studying prophetic literature. The course is based on the DVD series by Dr. Richard Pratt, “He Gave Us Prophets.”

    Building Systematic Theology

    Many of us have read systematic theology, but we seldom consider the process behind its development. This course analyzes the steps of building systematic theology, especially the formation of technical terms, theological propositions, and doctrinal statements. It examines the legitimacy of systematic theology, the place of human logic in the process, and the dangers and benefits of this tool. It is based on the DVD lessons of Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

    Kingdom, Covenants, and Canon of the Old Testament

    This course gives a brief survey of the Old Testament, examining the themes of “Kingdom, Covenants and Canon.” It shows that the Old Testament is not a random amalgam of episodes, genealogies and prophetic tidbits. Instead, it is unified around the central theme of the kingdom of God, which was administered through covenants and applied to life through the Old Testament as a “canon” (guideline) for our lives. It is based on the Third Millennium DVD series by Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

    The Apostles’ Creed

    There are many denominations, divisions and theological disputes in the modern church. But despite these types of disunity, there is a common core of belief that all faithful Christians have affirmed throughout history. And for almost two millennia, this core of belief has been summarized in the Apostles’ Creed. This course explains the history and use of the Apostles’ Creed, as well as the details and significance of each of its articles of faith. It is based on the videos produced by Third Millennium Ministries.

    The Primeval History

    This course provides an analysis of Genesis 1-11, looking at the background, the literary structure, the original meaning, the theological purpose, and modern applications. Why did Moses choose to tell the history of the Creation, the Fall, the Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel in the way that he did? It is based on the Third Millennium DVD series by Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

    Making Biblical Decisions

    This course provides a biblical orientation to Christian ethics. Many believers today have lost their moral footing. Moreover, believers who want to live ethically are frequently confused by the complexities of ethical decisions. Even so, with proper study of the Bible’s system of ethics, Christians can learn how to evaluate problems in ways that lead to biblical solutions. It is based on the DVD lessons of Dr. John M. Frame.

    The Book of Acts

    The Book of Acts tells us of an exciting period of the expansion of the Church. But do the amazing experiences of that time necessarily set a pattern for us today? This course will help you answer some difficult questions about the work of the Holy Spirit and the ministry of the Church. It explains the background, structure, and content of the Book of Acts, including a study of the major themes, as well as guidelines for applying the lessons of Acts today.

    Father Abraham

    Why did Moses choose to tell the story of Abraham the way he did? What does it mean for us today? This course provides an analysis of Genesis 11:10-25:18, the life of Abraham, from a Christian perspective. It analyzes the literary structure, the meaning for the original audience, and modern application for us today. The course is based on the Third Millennium DVD series by Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

    The Heart of Paul’s Theology

    We often struggle with individualism, legalism, and confusion regarding Christ’s second coming. This course will help you deal with these issues as you explore the central message of Paul, and review the teachings of Galatians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and 1 and 2 Corinthians. You will gain a better understanding of the kingdom of God, and rejoice in Jesus and the amazing plans He has for His people and His world. The course is based on the DVD lessons of Dr. Reggie M. Kidd produced by Third Millennium Ministries.