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Why did God Give our Pets Such Short Life Spans?
Although land tortoises can live over 150 years and parrots sometimes live as long as people, most pets have short life spans Perhaps the Lord gave our pets short life spans to keep us from getting more attached to them than to our fellow human beings. Since the love of some intelligent pets for their […]
Is it wrong to ask God to provide financial gain?
Jesus made it clear that the measure of a person’s value has nothing to do with their material possessions. In fact, He declared that “mammon” (Syriac for wealth or riches) is one of the most common obstacles to having a right relationship with God (Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:9-13). If we pray for improvements in our […]
Does Satan Have a Special Hatred for Israel and the Jewish People?
Does Satan have a special hatred for Israel and the Jewish people that will be expressed especially in the last days? There is a sense in which Satan has a special hatred for Israel and the Jewish people, just as he has a special hatred for the church and the Christian people. From the beginning, […]
Does God Hold Me Responsible For What I Do In My Dreams?
It’s unlikely God holds us much more accountable for the fantasies that appear in our dreams than He does for the predispositions to sin that we all share, including temptations or evil thoughts that drift into our minds. In fact, some of the things that happen in the theater of our dreams may help us […]
Are Jesus’ Words in Mark 10:18 a Denial of His Divinity?
In Mark 10:18, Jesus asks, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.” It would be wrong to interpret Jesus’ words here as a denial of His divinity. He asserted His divine authority in other passages (Matthew 25:31-46; 26:63-64; John 8:58). No one knows Jesus’ exact reasons for [...]
Are Media Claims that Jesus Christ Is Legendary True?
What should I think of recent claims made in the media that Jesus Christ is legendary and never existed?
Are All Jews Perpetually and Universally Responsible for Christ’s Death?
Matthew 27:25 says, “Then the people as a whole answered, ‘His blood be on us and on our children!’ ” Does this verse imply that all Jews are perpetually and universally responsible for Christ’s death?
Are New Testament References to Jewish Persecution of Jesus and the Church True?
How do we know that New Testament references to Jewish persecution of Jesus and the Apostolic Church weren’t written by later editors (redactors) who wanted to blame the Jews for the death of Jesus?
Are Horror Movies Just Entertainment?
Are horror movies just entertainment?
Are Homosexual or Pedophilic Desires Sinful?
Are homosexual or pedophilic desires sinful?
Are Funeral Customs in the US Biblical?
What, if any, is the biblical basis for the funeral customs practiced today in North America?
Are All Jews Perpetually and Universally Responsible for Christ’s Death?
Matthew 27:25 says, “Then the people as a whole answered, ‘His blood be on us and on our children!’ ” Does this verse imply that all Jews are perpetually and universally responsible for Christ’s death?
Am I Sinning When I Feel Attracted to Someone of the Opposite Sex?
Am I sinning when I feel strongly attracted to a charming person of the other gender?
Am I a Weak Person Headed for an Abusive Marriage?
Am I a weak person headed for an abusive marriage?
Should Christians trust what they read on the Internet?
Lots of Christians question the Internet as a source of reliable information, but an historical perspective can help us understand its potential. In biblical times, lots of people had rudimentary reading ability, but only a small portion of the population could read and write well. These were the priests, scribes, educators, historians, and lawyers—the ruling […]