Parenting | Our Daily Bread Ministries

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    God Loves Each And Every One Of Us Dearly

    The universe is really BIG! And when you stop to think about it, you can feel really small in comparison! Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones remind us that even though we’re small, God loves each of us dearly. Hear one final excerpt from Sally’s book, Thoughts to Make […]

    Find Comfort Knowing Only God Is Perfect

    Do you ever feel like you have to be perfect? Do you expect perfection from others? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones find comfort in the fact that no one is perfect except for God. Join us as we read another excerpt from Sally’s children’s book, Thoughts to Make […]

    The One Big Over-Arching Story Of The Bible

    The Bible may consist of different books written by different authors, but in the end, it tells one, big, over-arching story. Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones read an excerpt from Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, and discuss how stories have the power to captivate both children and adults […]

    The Boundless, Never-Changing Love Of God

    God’s love has no restrictions, no strings attached. And there’s nothing we can do to earn it. Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones discuss how to communicate God’s boundless, unconditional, never-changing love to a child. We’re talking about Sally’s book, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing today on Discover […]

    Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing

    We can’t always tell where God is leading us. But we can always trust that He’s taking us somewhere good. Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Sally Lloyd-Jones discuss how to share this comforting truth with children. Join the group for a conversation about Sally’s children’s book, Thoughts to Make Your […]

    A Fitting Time

    Yesterday I purchased a plane ticket to send my firstborn child to college. I’m surprised the keyboard on my computer still functions, given the waterworks my eyes unleashed on it during the flight selection process. I have so enjoyed my eighteen years of daily life with her that I am saddened by the prospect of her departure. Yet I wouldn’t rob her of the opportunity that lies ahead simply because I will miss her. At this juncture in her life, it is fitting for her to embark on a new journey to discover adulthood and explore another part of the…

    The Daily Prayer

    Singer/songwriter Robert Hamlet wrote “Lady Who Prays for Me” as a tribute to his mother who made a point of praying for her boys each morning before they went to the bus stop. After a young mom heard Hamlet sing his song, she committed to praying with her own little boy. The result was heartwarming! Just before her son went out the door, his mother prayed for him. Five minutes later he returned . . . bringing kids from the bus stop with him! His mom was taken aback and asked what was going on. The boy responded, “Their moms didn’t pray…

    Happy Fathers’ Day

    Father’s Day is a good reminder to celebrate our Dads, and thank them for what they do for us. Check out this dad’s reflections on his relationship with his own father and with his children, and how it has deepened his relationship with God.

    Sharenting: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    You must have seen it: Parents sharing photos, updates, and other information about their children on social media platforms. It’s a practice known as “sharenting” (a portmanteau of the word “share” and “parenting”).

    A Perfect Father

    My father once admitted to me, “When you were growing up, I was gone a lot.”

    I don’t remember that. Besides working his full-time job, he was gone some evenings to direct choir practice at church, and he occasionally traveled for a week or two with a men’s quartet. But for all the significant (and many small) moments of my life—he was there.

    For instance, when I was 8, I had a tiny part in an afternoon play at school. All the mothers came, but only one dad—mine. In many little ways, he has always let my sisters and me know that…

    To Those Not Celebrating Father’s Day

    I have nothing against Father’s Day. My family just never had the practice of celebrating it—along with other occasions like Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day.

    A Letter To The Man of Few Words

    It is late October. I am seven and barely 90 centimeters tall. You seem like a giant to me. I reach out to hold you and my tiny hands are engulfed by your smooth and strong palms.

    Prepare the Child

    A phrase on many parenting websites says, “Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child.” Instead of trying to remove all obstacles and pave the way for the children in our life, we should instead equip them to deal with the difficulties they encounter on the road ahead.

    The psalmist wrote, “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. He decreed statutes . . . which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them . . . and…

    Battling Futility in Motherhood

    My baby cries. I look at the clock and sigh. Quickly, I finish drying the plate and get him from his cot. Here we go again.

    5 Humbling Lessons I’ve Learned As a New Mom

    As I’m writing this article, my 3½-month-old baby is stretching in her rocker and “talking” to herself. It amazes me how much she has grown in these past months—from a wrinkly, frowning newborn to a chubby, still frowning baby.