Month: February 2015

Media Club - Sri Lanka

Four times a year we offer CDs and DVDs packed with quality topics. Previous CDs and DVDs have included audio teaching material, studies on books of the Bible, videos on areas of Christian living, and documentaries.. These resources are offered without cost or obligation.

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ODB Introductory Edition - Sri Lanka

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Request for a copy of Our Daily Bread Introductory Edition to introduce to a friend or a loved one and encourage him or her to read God's Word daily.

Psalm 71, the prayer of an old man

When you come to the end of your life, what final message would you like to leave your children, grandchildren, or the people you leave behind? Join us as we study an old man’s prayer and the legacy he wanted to leave behind.

Taming The Untamable

From Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs to Siberian foxes, humans have learned to tame wild animals. People enjoy teaching monkeys to “act” in commercials or training deer to eat out of their hands. As the apostle James put it, “Every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind” (3:7).

Bring The Boy To Me

“I don’t believe in God and I won’t go,” Mark said. Amy struggled to swallow the lump in her throat. Her son had changed from a happy boy to a surly and uncooperative young man. Life was a battleground, and Sunday had become a day to dread, as Mark refused to go to church with the family. Finally his despairing parents consulted a counselor, who said: “Mark must make his own faith journey.

A Matter Of Love

Where intellect and emotion clash, the heart often has the greater wisdom” wrote the authors of A General Theory of Love. In the past, they say, people believed that the mind should rule the heart, but science has now discovered the opposite to be true. “Who we are and who we become depends, in part, on whom we love.”

How to stay encouraged when going through dark valleys

Following God means we’re never standing still for long. The walk of faith is a constant journey. When walking through dark valleys, remember, hope is just ahead!

The Word Among Us

The Word of God comes to us in many forms. Bible-centered preaching, Scripture reading, songs, study groups, and devotional articles bring to us the truths of God from Scripture. But we can’t overlook personal reading and studying either.

Discover how to work through desperate times by remembering happy memories

How do you work through desperate times in your life? Join us as we discuss how remembering the good times of yesterday can give us hope in our tomorrows.

The Well-Watered Life

I have a friend who lives on a ranch in the wide-open spaces of Montana. The road to his home is a long trail that winds through the parched and barren landscape of the wilderness. As you drive toward his home, you can’t help but notice the contrasting strip of green trees and vibrant vegetation meandering through the ranch. One of the finest trout rivers in North America cuts through the property, and anything that grows near its banks gets the benefit of an unending source of vital water.

How to escape from persistent troubles

Have there been times in your life when it feels like for every step you take forward, you’re forced to take two steps back? After a while, life can feel like a relentless chore! Here is an encouraging look at a place where we can escape that helplessness.