Month: May 2020

Go-Between Prayer

Late one Saturday afternoon, my family and I stopped at a local restaurant for lunch. As the waiter set crispy fries and thick burgers on our table, my husband glanced up and asked his name. Then he said, “We pray as a family before we eat. Is there something we can pray for you about today?” Allen, whose name we now knew, looked at us with a mixture of surprise and anxiety. A short silence followed before he told us that he was sleeping on his friend’s couch each night, his car had just quit working, and he was broke.


How Motherhood is Changing Me

I went to an all girls high school where the focus was definitely on getting a career. From there I went to university and pursued this goal further. I had my life all mapped out in my mind. Job till early 30s, then marriage, then children in my late 30s. Everything revolved around me pursuing this path. Everything revolved around…

Impossible Forgiveness

Liberators found the following prayer crumpled among the remains of the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp where Nazis exterminated nearly 50,000 women: O Lord, remember not only the men and women of goodwill, but also those of ill will. But do not remember the suffering they have inflicted upon us; remember the fruits we brought thanks to this suffering, our comradeship, our loyalty, our humility, the courage, the generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of this; and when they come to judgment, let all the fruits that we have born be their forgiveness.

I can’t imagine the fear and pain inflicted…

What are we doing during this MCO?

What are we doing during this MCO?


Dear Friends,

In recent days, with almost every country facing the Covid-19 pandemic, questions are being asked by many. Where is God in all this? Is he powerless to stop the current crisis? Does he not love us enough to step in? On the flip side, we’ve been hearing testimonies of believers…

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Lockdown Essentials: What Could Christians Be Doing Now?

Lockdown Essentials: What Could Christians Be Doing Now?


By Ajith Fernando

While the Bible does not dwell much on the “whys” of things like epidemics, it clearly teaches that when there is a great need, Christians must seek to be involved. Our God is a God who acts, and He often acts through us.


Let us look at…

Strength for the Journey

One summer, I faced what seemed an impossible task—a big writing project with a looming deadline. Having spent day after day on my own, endeavoring to get the words onto the page, I felt exhausted and discouraged, and I wanted to give up. A wise friend asked me, “When’s the last time you felt refreshed? Maybe you need to allow yourself to rest and to enjoy a good meal.”

I knew immediately that she was right. Her advice made me think of Elijah and the terrifying message he received from Jezebel (1 Kings 19:2)—although of course my writing project wasn’t anywhere…

Rumours of a Pandemic

Written By Dr Ivor Poobalan

On December 30, 2019, Dr Li Wenliang posted a message on a social media group of college alumni. He warned that the seven people quarantined from a seafood market in Wuhan, China, were probably infected by a novel coronavirus, “whose specific categorisation is yet to be known”. He only asked that everyone should be careful and…


I will restore David’s fallen shelter—I will repair its broken walls and restore its ruins—and will rebuild it as it used to be. Amos 9:11


I was prepared with eye protection, an ideal viewing location, and homemade moon pie desserts. Along with millions of people in the U.S., my family watched the rare occurrence of a total solar eclipse—the moon covering the entire disk of the sun.


The eclipse caused an unusual darkness to come over the typically bright summer afternoon. Although for us this eclipse was a fun celebration and a reminder of God’s incredible power over creation (Psalm 135:6–7), throughout…

The One Who Sees

“Oh no!” My wife’s voice rang out when she stepped into the kitchen. The moment she did, our ninety-pound Labrador retriever “Max” bolted from the room.

Gone was the leg of lamb that had been sitting too close to the edge of the counter. Max had consumed it, leaving only an empty pan. He tried to hide under a bed. But only his head and shoulders fit. His uncovered rump and tail betrayed his whereabouts when I went to track him down.

“Oh, Max,” I murmured, “Your ‘sin’ will find you out.” The phrase was borrowed from Moses, when he admonished two…

Community Memory

In his book Restless Faith, theologian Richard Mouw talks about the importance of remembering the lessons of the past. He quotes sociologist Robert Bellah, who said that “healthy nations must be ‘communities of memory. ’” Bellah extended that principle to other societal bonds, such as families. Remembering is an important part of living in community.

The Scriptures teach the value of community memory as well. The Israelites were given the Passover feast to remind them of what God had done to rescue them from slavery in Egypt (see Exodus 12:1–30). Still today, Jewish people around the world revisit that rich community…


Written By Bishop Emeritus Robert Solomon

The world is being shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic. Apocalyptic scenes from around the world are being conveyed to our screens.

“I have destroyed nations;
their strongholds are demolished.
I have left their streets deserted,
with no one passing through.
Their cities are laid waste;
they are deserted and empty.” (Zephaniah3:3, NIV).

How contemporary these words sound today!

If God has allowed such scenes,…

Living in the Branches

As I shared with my counselor my roller-coaster of emotions after a stress-filled week, she listened thoughtfully, then invited me to look out the window at the trees, lush with autumnal oranges and golds, the branches swaying in the wind.

            Pointing out that the trunks weren’t moving at all in the wind, my counselor explained, “We’re a bit like that. When life is blowing at us from every direction, of course our emotions will go up and down and all around. But sometimes we live as if we only have ‘branches.’ Our goal is to help you find your own…