Month: March 2017

Discovering the true riches of life

The Bible has a lot to say about money. And John Cortines has always had a knack for handling it. He graduated high school with $10,000 in the bank. He finished college with $100,000 in his account. But it was while he was in Harvard Business School getting his MBA that he says he discovered […]

When I Don’t Agree with the Bible

Recently, a Christian friend of mine shared that she was going through a very rough patch in her life. Why would God, described in the Bible as the God of love, allow her to go through all that? she asked.


A young African refugee who goes by the name of Steven is a man without a country. He thinks he may have been born in Mozambique or Zimbabwe. But he never knew his father and lost his mother. She fled civil war, traveling country to country as a street vendor. Without ID and unable to prove his place of birth, Steven walked into a British police station, asking to be arrested. Jail seemed better to Steven than trying to exist on the streets without the rights and benefits of citizenship.

The plight of living without a country was on Paul’s mind…

Being a servant of the wealth God gave you

When it comes to money, are you naturally a spender or a saver? Do you tend to sock it away, or buy a lot of stuff? Well, there’s actually a third option. Today on Discover the Word, we are joined by John Cortines to talk about how, as followers of Christ, we can be servants […]

How Long Should I Wait for Marriage?

At my Christian college, I quickly learned that most Christian couples marry young. We even have a phrase for it, “ring by spring”, which refers to two people getting engaged (ring) before graduating from college (by spring).

Mistakes Were Made

“Mistakes were made,” said the CEO as he discussed the illegal activity his company had been involved in. He looked regretful, yet he kept blame at arm’s length and couldn’t admit he had personally done anything wrong.

Some “mistakes” are just mistakes: driving in the wrong direction, forgetting to set a timer and burning dinner, miscalculating your checkbook balance. But then there are the deliberate deeds that go far beyond—God calls those sin. When God questioned Adam and Eve about why they had disobeyed Him, they quickly tried to shift the blame to another (Gen. 3:8–13). Aaron took no personal responsibility…

Generosity is the cure for selfishness

Today on Discover the Word, the group sits down with John Cortines to continue our week talking about “God and Money” by focusing on a sure cure for thinking selfishly about our money—generosity. It’s an encouraging look at the heart of our Father and it has some practical implications for your life as well. Grab […]

4 Ways to Keep a Regular Quiet Time

It was at a Christian retreat where I first learned about quiet time. An older Christian gave me a devotional book, which taught me how to spend time every day building my relationship with God.

Painting a Portrait

The National Portrait Gallery in London, England, houses a treasure of paintings from across the centuries, including 166 images of Winston Churchill, 94 of William Shakespeare, and 20 of George Washington. With the older portraits, we may wonder: Is that what these individuals really looked like?

For instance, there are 8 paintings of Scottish patriot William Wallace (c. 1270–1305), but we obviously don’t have photographs to compare them to. How do we know if the artists accurately represented Wallace?

Something similar might be happening with the likeness of Jesus. Without realizing it, those who believe in Him are leaving an impression of…

How your perspective and focus can change

Everyone has an “ideal” plan for how their life should go. For John Cortines, that meant making a lot of money and retiring at 40. But today on Discover the Word, the group joins John in discussing how his perspective and life’s focus changed while getting his MBA at Harvard. It’s part of the weeklong […]

Career Advice from Hidden Figures

Have you ever felt angry for your lack of opportunities? Perhaps, due to the color of your skin, your looks, your gender, or your not-so well connected family background.

Ruler of the Waves

King Canute was one of the most powerful men on earth in the eleventh century. In a now-famous tale, it is said that he ordered his chair to be placed on the shore as the tide was rising. “You are subject to me,” he said to the sea. “I command you, therefore, not to rise on to my land, nor to wet the clothing or limbs of your master.” But the tide continued to rise, drenching the king’s feet.

This story is often told to draw attention to Canute’s pride. Actually, it’s a story about humility. “Let all the world know…

Taking the Next Step

When you have no vision from God, no enthusiasm left in your life, and no one watching and encouraging you, it requires the grace of Almighty God to take the next step in your devotion to Him, in the reading and studying of His Word, in your family life, or in your duty to Him. It takes much more of the grace of God, and a much greater awareness of drawing upon Him, to take that next step, than it does to preach the gospel.

God and money

Today on Discover the Word, the group is joined by special guest and author John Cortines. They’ll be discussing the topic of “God and Money,” as John shares how he discovered something he didn’t expect at Harvard Business School. Listen today to Discover the Word!

Should We Give Help but Not Receive it?

During dinner some days ago, my father lamented about how times have changed. It used to be that bosses care about their workers even outside of work.