Growing in the Wind
Imagine a world without wind. Lakes would be calm. Falling leaves wouldn’t blow in the streets. But in still air, who would expect trees to suddenly fall over? That’s what happened in a three-acre glass dome built in the Arizona desert. Trees growing inside a huge windless bubble called Biosphere 2 grew faster than normal until suddenly collapsing under their own weight. Project researchers eventually came up with an explanation. These trees needed wind stress to grow strong.
Jesus let His disciples experience gale-force winds to strengthen their faith (Mark 4:36–41). During a night crossing of familiar waters, a sudden storm…
Even when God is silent he is up to something good
Prayer is such a powerful thing! Even when it seems like God is silent, He’s always up to something good. That’s the lesson Habakkuk learned, and it’s what we’ll see today on Discover the Word. Listen as our team concludes our discussion titled, “Major Prayers from a Minor Prophet” . . . today on Discover the […]
Do You Read Your Bible For Fun?
I spent the whole of November immersed in the countryside of Western Australia with my family. We brought no work along—no revision (for the kids), no prep, teaching or writing (for my husband and me).
Remember When
Our son wrestled with drug addiction for seven years, and during that time my wife and I experienced many difficult days. As we prayed and waited for his recovery, we learned to celebrate small victories. If nothing bad happened in a twenty-hour-hour period, we would tell each other, “Today was a good day.” That short sentence became a reminder to be thankful for God’s help with the smallest things.
Tucked away in Psalm 126:3 is an even better reminder of God’s tender mercies and what they ultimately mean for us: “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are…
How is God speaking to you?
Have you ever found yourself in a one-sided conversation? It’s not really much of a conversation if you’re the only one talking! So, how do we have a conversation with God, and how should we expect to listen when He’s communicating back? Today on Discover the Word, the team takes us to the book of […]
Nothing Hidden
In 2015 an international research company stated that there were 245 million surveillance cameras installed worldwide, and the number was growing by 15 percent every year. In addition, multiplied millions of people with smartphones capture daily images ranging from birthday parties to bank robberies. Whether we applaud the increased security or denounce the diminished privacy, we live in a global, cameras-everywhere society.
The New Testament book of Hebrews says that in our relationship with God, we experience a far greater level of exposure and accountability than anything surveillance cameras may see. His Word, like a sharp, two-edged sword, penetrates to the…
Discover how to pray fearlessly
What do we do when the “fear of the Lord” gets twisted, causing us to be afraid of God? Where is that coming from and how can we get back to having a proper perspective? Today, the team will open the book of Habakkuk to show us how to pray fearlessly in the love of […]
Youth Bible Teaching 2017
We cordially invite you and your loved ones to join us to feast on God’s Word together. Click to [find out more].
Why Should I Still Believe in God?
I don’t see, hear, or feel God anymore. Why love God then? Why go to church then? Why believe then? Recently, a friend whom I had led to Christ seemed to have such thoughts. And they were the same thoughts that went through my mind about a decade ago.