Peter: an unlikely follower of the Lord
Jesus often chose some of the most unlikely characters to follow Him and spread the good news of the gospel. Today on Discover the Word, we will gather around the table to begin a study of the wisdom of the apostle Peter . . . an unlikely follower of the Lord who left a legacy of […]
The Day I Was Saved by Unbelievers
Eighteen years ago, my carefree life turned into a living hell overnight. It was May 1998, and riots broke out in my city, Jakarta in Indonesia. They were triggered by economic problems including food shortages and mass unemployment.
Calming Your Soul
While attending a concert, my mind detoured to a troublesome issue that insisted on my attention. Thankfully, the distraction was short-lived as the words of a beautiful hymn began to reach deep into my being. A men’s a capella group was singing “Be Still, My Soul.” Tears welled up as I listened to the words and contemplated the restful peace that only God can give:
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side! Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain; Leave to thy God to order and provide; In every change He faithful will remain.
When Jesus was denouncing the unrepentant towns where He…
Pass It On
I enjoy watching relay races. The physical strength, speed, skill, and endurance required of the athletes amaze me. But one crucial point of the race always gets my special attention and makes me anxious. It is the moment the baton is passed to the next athlete. One moment of delay, one slip, and the race could be lost.
In a sense, Christians are in a relay race, carrying the baton of faith and the knowledge of the Lord and of His Word. And the Bible tells us about our need to pass this baton from one generation to another. In Psalm…
Our Daily Bread Kids Collection
Introducing Our Daily Bread Kids Collection! Help your children fall in love with God and understand His Word, in a fun, kid-friendly way.
What’s the one word you associate with the gospel?
What one word do you associate with the gospel and salvation? Many would say “grace” or “rescue” or “forgiveness.” But there’s one word the New Testament uses that might surprise you! Today on Discover the Word, the group and guest Darrell Bock reveal what that word is and why we need to know it! Be part […]
Reliving the Horrific 2015 Nepal Earthquake
25 April 2015. It was the day my friend came to Nepal to visit me (I was mid-way through my one-year missions stint in Nepal). It was also the day the world witnessed the most horrific earthquake to strike Nepal since 1934.
Words for the Weary
A few days after his father died, 30-year-old C. S. Lewis received a letter from a woman who had cared for his mother during her illness and death more than two decades earlier. The woman offered her sympathy for his loss and wondered if he remembered her. “My dear Nurse Davison,” Lewis replied. “Remember you? I should think I do.”
Lewis recalled how much her presence in their home had meant to him as well as to his brother and father during a difficult time. He thanked her for her words of sympathy and said, “It is really comforting to be taken…