Month: April 2016

Grace commits

To demonstrate God’s grace to others we need to be fully committed. Today on “Discover the Word,” we continue the story of King David and Mephibosheth. David’s commitment to help Jonathan’s son was the result of a vow he made years before. Another facet of grace’s prism—grace commits. That’s today on “Discover the Word”!

Storms on the Horizon

Our son, Josh, is a commercial salmon fisherman in Kodiak, Alaska. Some time ago he sent me a photograph he took of a tiny vessel a few hundred yards ahead of his boat moving through a narrow pass. Ominous storm clouds loom on the horizon. But a rainbow, the sign of God’s providence and loving care, stretches from one side of the pass to the other, encircling the little boat.

The photograph reflects our earthly voyage: We sail into an uncertain future, but we are surrounded by the faithfulness of God!

Jesus’ disciples were surrounded by a storm, and He used the…

Drawn in by grace

Have you ever felt like an outsider? And has anyone ever drawn you into their “circle” making you feel like you belonged? Today on “Discover the Word,” we look at another way that grace is like a prism—it invites. How the story of King David and Mephibosheth encourages us to always ask, “Who can I show grace to?” A revealing part of the series “Grace Prisms” today on “Discover the Word”!

Meant to Be Understood

I enjoy visiting museums such as the National Gallery in London and the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. While most of the art is breathtaking, some of it confuses me. I look at seemingly random splashes of color on canvas and realize I have no idea what I am seeing—even though the artist is a master at his craft.

Sometimes we can feel the same way about the Scriptures. We wonder, Is it even possible to understand them? Where do I start? Perhaps Paul’s words can give us some help: “Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us,…

Now that I have been game free for over a week I began writing in my journal again. I was reminded of God's promise at the beginning of the year Psalm 91:14–16. I made it personal and added healthy. "Because you have set your love on Me, therefore will I deliver you. I will set you on high because you have known My name. You shall call on Me and I will answer you; I will be with you in trouble; I will deliver you and honor you. With long, [healthy,] life I will satisfy you and show you My Salvation."
Addiction is a terrible blight on humanity. I have been prayed for many times, given it up several times and it is only God who gets the glory this time!Whether it is spending money, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, food, lust, etc., it controls one's life. It is a huge bondage, but Jesus came to set us free! He is the only One Who can deliver! Oh Lord how awesome You are! Thank You – how can I ever thank You enough! Oh that Your Spirit, Holy Spirit, would control my life!

Prism of grace

Grace is like a prism. It reflects the many ways that God bends Himself in our direction to show His love. Today on “Discover the Word,” we begin a study called, “Grace Prisms” with the story of King David and Mephibosheth. Hard name to say, and an even harder story to grasp in light of the Old Testament’s “kill or be killed” culture. “Grace Prisms”—join the study . . . today on “Discover the Word”!

Greater than the Mess

A major theme of the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel could easily be “Life is a mess!” It has all the elements of a blockbuster TV miniseries. As David sought to establish his rule as king of Israel, he faced military challenges, political intrigue, and betrayal by friends and family members. And David himself was certainly not without guilt as his relationship with Bathsheba clearly showed (chs. 11–12).

Yet near the end of 2 Samuel we find David’s song of praise to God for His mercy, love, and deliverance. “You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness into…

Relief for the Troubled

One of my favorite scenes in literature occurs when a feisty aunt confronts an evil stepfather over the abuse of her nephew, David Copperfield. This scene takes place in Charles Dickens’ novel named after the main character.

When David Copperfield shows up at his aunt’s house, his stepfather is not far behind. Aunt Betsy Trotwood is not pleased to see the malicious Mr. Murdstone. She recounts a list of offenses and does not let him slither out of his responsibility for each act of cruelty. Her charges are so forceful and truthful that Mr. Murdstone—a normally aggressive person—finally leaves without a…

God’s Enduring Word

At the beginning of World War II, aerial bombings flattened much of Warsaw, Poland. Cement blocks, ruptured plumbing, and shards of glass lay strewn across the great city. In the downtown area, however, most of one damaged building still stubbornly stood. It was the Polish headquarters for the British and Foreign Bible Society. Still legible on a surviving wall were these words: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” (Matt. 24:35).

Jesus made that statement to encourage His disciples when they asked Him about the “end of the age” (v. 3). But His words also…

How to use ODB

Find out more

Our Daily Bread helps you read God’s Word anywhere, anytime—in print, online, or on your mobile phone. [Watch the video] to find out more!

Context is king!

If your friends around the table could only give you one piece of advice about how to read and study the Bible, what do you think it would be? Most likely, it would be “Pay attention to the context!” and so today on “Discover the Word,” we remember that context is king! Listen today on “Discover the Word”!

The Spirit Delivers

Until recently, many towns in rural Ireland didn’t use house numbers or postal codes. So if there were three Patrick Murphys in town, the newest resident with that name would not get his mail until it was first delivered to the other two Patrick Murphys who had lived there longer. “My neighbors would get it first,” said Patrick Murphy (the newest resident). “They’d have a good read, and they’d go, ‘No, it’s probably not us.’ ” To end all this mail-delivery confusion, the Irish government recently instituted its first postal-code system which will ensure the proper delivery of the mail.


What to do with conflicting Bible verses

What are we to do with conflicting Bible verses like, “Don’t answer a fool according to his folly” and “Answer a fool according to his folly”? Today on “Discover the Word,” we begin a “Discover the Word 101” conversation that can help you make sense of even apparent contradictions in the Bible! Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

Jesus Wept

I was engrossed in a book when a friend bent over to see what I was reading. Almost immediately, she recoiled and looked at me aghast. “What a gloomy title!” she said.

I was reading “The Glass Coffin” in Grimm’s Fairy Tales, and the word coffin disturbed her. Most of us don’t like to be reminded of our mortality. But the reality is that out of 1,000 people, 1,000 people will die.

Death always elicits a deep emotional response. It was at the funeral of one of His dear friends that Jesus displayed strong emotions. When He saw Mary, whose brother had recently died,…

Embrace God’s original vision for His sons

How do we shed cultural definitions of masculinity and instead embrace God’s original vision for His sons? Well, today on “Discover the Word,” the group along with author Carolyn Custis James conclude their study called “Malestrom.” It’s a hopeful discussion you won’t want to miss. That’s today on “Discover the Word”!