Month: May 2015

Wisdom Seekers

Every spring colleges and universities hold commencement ceremonies to celebrate the success of students who have completed their studies and earned their degrees. After the students cross the stage, these graduates will enter a world that will challenge them. Just having academic knowledge won’t be good enough. The key to success in life will be in wisely applying everything they have learned.

Growing Faith: Talking with Your Kids About God


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[caption id="attachment_161273" align="alignleft" width="108"]teriandcrystal Left Teri Mckinley, Right Crystal Bowman[/caption]

Watch Our Daily Bread Ministries’ special presentation, “Growing Faith: Talking with Your Kids About God.” This engaging discussion with host Tim Jackson features special guests Crystal Bowman and Teri McKinley, the mother-daughter writing team who authored the Our Daily Bread for Kids devotional book and who have some creative ideas…

What do we need most when our faith is tested?

When painful trials put your faith to the test, what is the one thing you need most? Join our special guest, Mark Young, on “Discover the Word” as we discuss why God’s wisdom is essential in trying times.

Poem: A Lesson on Love from Mary of Bethany

Written By Raiza Javier, Philippines I know exactly what Love looks like. I knew it the moment He stole my heart. Love was when He came to our home. My sister, Martha, and I were there and we welcomed Him. He spoke to me as I sat and listened by His feet. Love was when […]

New Start For A Broken Heart

The Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb, Croatia, is filled with anonymously donated remnants of love gone wrong. There is an axe that a jilted lover used to destroy the furniture of an offending partner. Stuffed animals, love letters framed in broken glass, and wedding dresses all speak volumes of heartache. While some visitors to the museum leave in tears over their own loss, some couples depart with hugs and a promise not to fail each other.


Discover how you can strengthen your faith and trust in God, even in the midst of challenging times.

Discover what greater purpose our trials serve!

Life is full of trials. Some are small frustrations and others are painful roadblocks. On our program today, our special guest Mark Young explains how our trials help us see God better. Join us today and learn how to look past the pain!

Orphan to Queen: What I’ve Learned from Esther

“You can’t do this. You are not prepared for this kind of work.” “You don’t have what it takes to fulfill this role, so don’t accept it.” “There are others who can do the job better; let them do it.” I have a confession to make: I hide behind the veil of my flaws to […]

Guard Your Focus

That’s my disciple,” I once heard a woman say about someone she was helping. As followers of Christ we are all tasked with making disciples—sharing the good news of Christ with people and helping them grow spiritually. But it can be easy to focus on ourselves instead of Jesus.

What is “pure religion”?

Sometimes religion can go bad. It can look good on the outside, but inside it’s rotten! Through the conversation today, we can discover that “pure religion” is when your life matches your beliefs. Listen in to learn more!

The Great Healer

The doctors I know are smart, hard-working, and compassionate. They have relieved my suffering on many occasions, and I am grateful for their expertise in diagnosing illnesses, prescribing medication, setting broken bones, and stitching up wounds. But this does not mean that I place my faith in physicians rather than in God.

What does it mean to be “religious”?

Religion has gotten a bad rap. The word invokes pictures of stale institutions rather than dynamic relationships, but today, our special guest Mark Young leads us in a discussion that redefines the word “religion.”

My Unconventional Heroes in the Faith

When we reflect on faith heroes who inspire us in our walk, names like Father Abraham, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther, John Calvin, specific pastors or leaders may spring to mind. Their faithfulness in service and their contributions toward Christianity and humanity are undeniable. In fact, if you think about it, Jesus Christ, our Lord and […]