April, 2015 | Our Daily Bread Ministries - Part 3

Month: April 2015

Are We Sinning More on Social Media?

It’s 3 a.m. in the morning. I toss and turn in bed, trying to combat insomnia. I give up, reach for my iPhone and, without thinking, launch my Facebook app (bad habit, I know.) Facebook and Instagram seem to be the two apps I’m always clicking on my mobile phone, most of the times unconsciously. […]

A Father Who Runs

Every day a father craned his neck to look toward the distant road, waiting for his son’s return. And every night he went to bed disappointed. But one day, a speck appeared. A lonesome silhouette stood against the crimson sky. Could that be my son? the father wondered. Then he caught sight of the familiar saunter. Yes, that has to be my son!

God’s World

I knew my son would enjoy receiving a map of the world for his birthday. After some shopping, I found a colorful chart of the continents, which included illustrations in every region. A birdwing butterfly hovered over Papua, New Guinea. Mountains cascaded through Chile. A diamond adorned South Africa. I was delighted, but I wondered about the label at the bottom of the map: Our World.

Outrunning Cheetahs

The majestic African cheetah is known for reaching speeds of 112 kph (70 mph) in short bursts, but it doesn’t do so well over distances. A BBC news item reports that four members of a northeast Kenyan village actually outran two cheetahs in a 4-mile footrace.

How God answered the prayer of a hurting mother

When we asked God honest questions, He sometimes answers us in unexpected ways. Listen in today as we explore “the gospel of Ruth”!

What the Selfie Reveals About Us

Written by Karen Kwek, Singapore Here I am in Peru—see the Machu Picchu ruins in the background? This is me again, rocking it at a concert. And here I am, about to tuck into a huge roasted pork knuckle. And here, fresh out of the salon chair—check out my new haircut! To be sure, self-portraits […]

We’re A Community

A pastor’s wife was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. That put the family in a difficult, stressful situation. The pastor wondered how he was going to be able to take good care of her while he still had responsibilities for his church family. But he needn’t have worried because church members stepped up and volunteered to assist him with meals and some of her care.

ANZAC Centenary Resources

Download Today!

For this special occasion, we have 2 resources available:
1. Freedom Is Never Won Without Cost
2. Our Daily Bread: Anzac Centenary Edition.


A candid reaction to trials and God’s loving response to the pain

Scripture doesn’t sugarcoat suffering. The Bible is fearlessly honest when it shows us real-life responses to painful situations. Listen in today for an encouraging study as we continue following Ruth and her story.

When Death Hits Us Hard

Written By Jes Nuylan, Philippines Just a week ago, I received a text message that left me shell-shocked. One of my friends from high school had passed away from heart failure—he was only 18. It didn’t help that my schoolmates and I were still recovering from the death of another of our friends on December […]

The Best Fishing Holes

My friend Gus passed away a few months ago. Gus was a fellow trout fisherman. Weekends usually found him in his little boat on a nearby lake, casting for fish. I got a letter from his daughter Heidi the other day. She told me she’s been talking about heaven with her grandkids since Gus went to his home in heaven. Her 6-year-old grandson, who also loves to fish, explained what heaven is like and what Great-Grandpa Gus is doing: “It’s really beautiful,” he mused, “and Jesus is showing Grandpa Gus where the best fishing holes are.”

Why I Didn’t Give Up on Hope

By Michele Ong, New Zealand I once held a very dim view of the word “hope”. It sounded wishy-washy to me. If hope was personified, it would be a weak-willed doormat with no opinions of its own. To hope was to foolishly cling to the belief that someone would grant your wish after you threw […]

Discover where God is when bad things happen

Where is God when life falls apart? It’s an honest question we all ask in times of suffering. Join us as we study the Old Testament story of Ruth and Naomi to discover the answer to this question.