Discover how kindness is actually a substantial quality we can really sink our teeth into!
“The fruit of kindness” sounds a bit mushy, doesn’t it? Of all the godly fruit to cultivate, kindness seems to be the weakest of the bunch. More from our study on the fruit of the Spirit.
It’s Worth It
I can’t do it,” Robert said, throwing his pencil down in despair. “It’s just too hard!” Reading, writing, and spelling seemed impossible to our dyslexic 9-year-old. At last, a solution was offered. But it was tough. We had to do reading and spelling practice with him for 20 minutes every evening—without exception. Sometimes we just didn’t feel like doing it, and at times we despaired of seeing progress. But we were committed to getting Robert’s reading age and his chronological age to match, so we battled on.
Discover biblical ways to cultivate patience
Whether it’s standing in line, waiting in the doctor’s office, or putting up with people who push our buttons, we have plenty of opportunities to develop patience. But it still seems to be the hardest fruit of the Spirit to grow! It’s an important fruit for spiritual health!
Out Of The Darkness
I don’t know what desperate situation gripped Asaph, the writer of Psalm 77, but I’ve heard, and made, similar laments. Over the past dozen years since I lost my daughter, many others who have experienced the loss of a loved one have shared with me heartbreaking sentiments like these:
Gain an appreciation for the biblical characteristic of peace
We tend to think peace is the absence of conflict. But what if peace is quiet confidence in the midst of daily struggles? Let’s explore another fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5.
A Storyteller
In the years following the American Civil War (1861–1865), Union Major General Lew Wallace served as a governor of the New Mexico territories; New Mexico not yet having been admitted as a state. His work there put him in contact with many of the characters that make up the Wild West’s near-mythic history, including Billy the Kid and Sheriff Pat Garrett. It was here that Wallace wrote what has been called by some “the most influential Christian book” of the 19th century, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ.
What’s Your Motto?
Grug Crood, the dad of a caveman family in an animated movie, believes that there’s no safe place beyond their cave. They huddle together at night so he can protect them. He thinks his teenage daughter should give up her adventurous side because it can only lead to danger. His motto for his family is “Never not be afraid.” In other words, “Always be afraid.”
Too Late To Change?
There are sayings in many languages about the difficulty of changing long-established habits. In English, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” In French, “Ce n’est pas à un vieux singe qu’on apprend à faire la grimace” (You can’t teach an old monkey how to pull a funny face). In Spanish, “El loro viejo no aprende a hablar” (An old parrot can’t learn to speak).
Apocalipse: O livro do Apocalipse – O fim e o recomeço
O Novo Testamento e a Bíblia culminam com essa descrição gloriosa do Apocalipse de Jesus Cristo. Todos os eventos da história culminam nessa história fantástica do triunfo último sobre o mal e a restauração de todas as coisas de volta para o projeto original segundo o qual foram criadas.
Atos: Crucificação, Ressurreição e Proclamação
A maioria das pessoas reconhece o fato de que a crucificação e ressurreição de Jesus Cristo foi o ponto de mutação da história mundial. Depois de Sua ressurreição e ascensão, os Seus discípulos espalharam a Sua Igreja por todo o Império Romano e mudaram o mundo. No curso seis, você irá adicionar profundidade ao seu entendimento e apreciação destes eventos transformadores do mundo e de vidas pessoais.
Lucas – João: Jesus na Judeia Oposição e Rejeição
Por surpreendente que seja, as pessoas que Jesus veio para salvar o rejeitaram. Em Lucas – João: Jesus na Judeia – Oposição e rejeição, os alunos vão pesquisar a fase do ministério de Jesus que ele passou na Judeia e ter uma visão dos Seus ensinamentos e ações que aumentaram a oposição dos judeus até chegar ao ponto de eles entregarem um conterrâneo seu aos romanos para a crucificação.
Jesus na Galileia – Popularidade e Mal-entendidos
Ao longo do tempo que Jesus passou na Galileia, Ele introduziu as regras de vida para o Reino que Ele estava oferecendo ao Seu povo. Essa unidade, Jesus na Galileia – Popularidade e Mal-entendidos, estuda a grande fase do ministério de Jesus na Galileia, que é o cenário para o Sermão da Montanha, e depois vamos estudar o próprio sermão.
Lucas-João: Duas Interpretações de Jesus
Fornece duas interpretações diferentes da vida e ministério de Jesus. Acrescentando a perspectiva de Mateus e Marcos, Lucas e João fornecerá detalhes e explicações adicionais para a incrível vida de Jesus Cristo, o Cordeiro de Deus.