Month: June 2014

Find out if Jacob is the answer to a centuries-old riddle

A good mystery always leaves the reader in suspense, right up until the final page. Let’s introduce a new study on the life of Jacob, from the perspective of a “whodunit.” Immerse yourself in the story.

The World’s Children

After a group of high schoolers visited an orphanage during a ministry trip, one student was visibly upset. When asked why, he said it reminded him of his own situation 10 years earlier.

Teaching By Example

While waiting for an eye examination, I was struck by a statement I saw in the optometrist’s office: “Eighty percent of everything children learn in their first 12 years is through their eyes.” I began thinking of all that children visually process through reading, television, film, events, surroundings, and observing the behavior of others, especially their families. On this Father’s Day, we often think about the powerful influence of a dad.


It was a sad day in May 2003 when “The Old Man of the Mountain” broke apart and slid down the mountainside. This 40-foot profile of an old man’s face, carved by nature in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, had long been an attraction to tourists, a solid presence for residents, and the official state emblem. It was written about by Nathaniel Hawthorne in his short story The Great Stone Face.

Discover Jesus’ response to a suffering father and son

When trials overwhelm us and we reach the end of our rope, the question we often ask is, “Lord, don’t You care?” Let’s study Jesus’ response to that important question. We find His answer in Mark chapter 9. Hear the conclusion of our series.

We’re Safe

The United States Bullion Depository in Fort Knox, Kentucky, is a fortified building that stores 5,000 tons of gold bullion and other precious items entrusted to the federal government. Fort Knox is protected by a 22-ton door and layers of physical security: alarms, video cameras, minefields, barbed razor wire, electric fences, armed guards, and unmarked Apache helicopters. Based on the level of security, Fort Knox is considered one of the safest places on earth.


By Teresa Ann Yu I enjoy watching the weight loss reality show The Biggest Loser. Each season, contestants are pushed to the limit by demanding personal trainers in order to shed unwanted mass. Their uphill struggle contains insights that can be useful in our own transformation journey as Christians. Here are a few spiritual lessons I […]

Where do we turn when life gets out of hand?

It’s a dad’s job to fix what’s broken. But what can a father do when he’s powerless to heal his own family? Let’s look at a conversation between Jesus and a desperate dad with an overwhelming need.

Keep Calm And Carry On

Keep calm and call mom.” “Keep calm and eat bacon.” “Keep calm and put the kettle on.” These sayings originate from the phrase: “Keep Calm and Carry On.” This message first appeared in Great Britain as World War II began in 1939. British officials printed it on posters designed to offset panic and discouragement during the war.

Jesus’ interaction with a sick child and a worried dad struggling to have faith

When our son or daughter is sick all we want to do is take away their pain. We try to soothe the sickness away. But sometimes the illness is so severe, we’re rendered helpless.

An Honest Heart

I came across an epitaph on an old gravestone in a cemetery the other day. It read, “J. Holgate: An honest man.”

Find encouragement for parents in the process!

Parenting isn’t easy! This day-in-day-out job can leave even the strongest mom or dad weary. Let’s compare and contrast God the Father and Jesus with an earthly father and son, and provide encouragement for parents.

Crowns Of Honor

The Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom are stored securely and protected within the Tower of London under 24-hour guard. Each year, millions visit the display area to “ooh and aah” over these ornate treasures. The Crown Jewels symbolize the power of the kingdom, as well as the prestige and position of those who use them.

Let’s turn to God’s Word for some insight on what makes a good dad

Being a dad is a tough job. It seems everyone has a different opinion on what qualities make up a good father. Hear a study in Mark chapter 9.

Generous God

When our family lived in Chicago several years ago, we enjoyed many benefits. Near the top of my list were the amazing restaurants that seemed to try to outdo each other, not only in great cuisine but also in portion sizes. At one Italian eatery, my wife and I would order a half portion of our favorite pasta dish and still have enough to bring home for dinner the next night! The generous portions made us feel like we were at Grandma’s house when she poured on the love through her cooking.