Month: February 2014

First Love

By Sheryl Tay I remember when I had my first crush. It was heart-racing, pulse-throbbing, and I got all fidgety every time I saw him around. And this was no different from all the other subsequent crushes and infatuations I have had. No doubt, as I grew older (and hopefully more mature), I started to […]

Character Or Reputation?

Legendary basketball coach John Wooden (1910–2010) believed that character is far more important than reputation. “Your reputation is what you’re perceived to be by others,” Coach Wooden often told his players, “but your character is what you really are. You’re the only one that knows your character. You can fool others, but you can’t fool yourself.”

A loving perspective on God’s expectations for you

She did what she could. Five simple words from the mouth of Jesus that contain a wealth of encouragement and insight for us today! Let's reveal the freedom contained in this brief verse in Mark 14.


Sculptors have a term for the artist’s ability to look at a rough piece of stone and see it in its final, perfected form. It is called “hyperseeing.”

Gutzon Borglum (1867–1941) is the sculptor who created many well-known public works of art. Probably the most famous is Mt. Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota. Borglum’s housekeeper captured the concept of hyperseeing when she gazed up at the massive faces of the four US presidents on Mt. Rushmore for the first time. “Mr. Borglum,” she gasped, “how did you know Mr. Lincoln was in that rock?”

Why simply loving the Lord with who we are and what we have, is all God asks

Ever feel like even the best you could do is never enough? That you’ll never meet the expectations placed on you? More from our study in Mark, chapter 14.

Church: Why Bother?

By Christy Carole The Church is the body of Christ. Whenever I am in the body of Christ, I feel loved, accepted, understood, embraced, and safe. I can rest in the truth of who I am in Christ. I can be myself. The outside world is the exact opposite. The world often judges us by […]

Where Our Fears Live

Twelve years into our marriage, my wife and I were discouraged by the emotional roller-coaster of hopes raised and dashed in attempting to have children. A friend tried to “explain” God’s thinking. “Maybe God knows you’d be a bad father,” he said. He knew that my mother had struggled with a terrible temper.

Finding freedom in doing what we can to love God

She wasn’t a leader, a politician, or even a person of power. Yet, by acting on the love of Jesus, Mary of Bethany influenced the world. How we can follow her example?

The Power Of Music

In Wales, the music of men’s chorus groups is deeply engrained in the culture. Prior to World War II, one Welsh glee club had a friendly yet competitive rivalry with a German glee club, but that bond was replaced with animosity during and after the war. The tension was gradually overcome, though, by the message on the trophy shared by the two choruses: “Speak with me, and you’re my friend. Sing with me, and you’re my brother.”

Let’s look at the story of Mary of Bethany to see how simply embracing God’s love can change the world

Faced with the overwhelming evils and ills of a broken world, it’s difficult to see how we could possibly make a difference. We want to help, but just don’t know how. Join with us in this brand-new study.

Jesus and Social Media

In modern day society, there are many ways for us to communicate with one another. As a result, the world has grown smaller, or so it seems. But even with these technological advances, some things will never change, regardless of the number of years gone by. What am I talking about? […]

Maintain Unity

A man stranded by himself on an island was finally discovered. His rescuers asked him about the three huts they saw there. He pointed and said, “This one is my home and that one is my church.” He then pointed to the third hut: “That was my former church.” Though we may laugh at the silliness of this story, it does highlight a concern about unity among believers.


When I was returning our grandson Alex to his family after a visit, the traffic seemed especially challenging. Fast-maneuvering cars blocked me from the correct toll lane, forcing me to go through a lane where only cars with a prepaid pass are permitted, which I didn’t have. Alex told me that my license plate would be photographed and a ticket might be mailed to me. I was frustrated because a penalty would have to be paid even though my infraction was unintentional.

Who’s That Hero?

Reading the book of Judges, with its battles and mighty warriors, can sometimes feel like reading about comic book superheroes. We have Deborah, Barak, Gideon, and Samson. However, in the line of judges (or deliverers), we also find Othniel.

The account of his life is brief and straightforward (Judges 3:7-11).

Discover how God can use our pain to help those around us

It’s hard to remember others when we’re focused on our own pain and discomfort. Let's review a humbling passage in Scripture that reveals how God can use our pain to help those around us. A radical change in perspective.