Month: May 2013

Looking at how Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan leaves little space for interpretation

An unscrupulous lawyer is always on the lookout for a loophole in the law. But when a crafty attorney tried to pick holes in God’s Law, Jesus left him no wiggle room.

A Debtor

As a young man, Robert Robinson (1735–1790) enjoyed getting into trouble with his friends, so the stories go. At age 17, though, he heard a sermon by George Whitefield from Matthew 3:7, and realized his need for salvation in Christ. The Lord changed Robinson’s life, and he became a preacher. He also wrote several hymns, including his best-known “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.”

Navigating The Storm

The ancient people of the nation of Axum (located on the Red Sea in modern Ethiopia) discovered that the stormy winds of the monsoon season could be harnessed by sail for speedy navigation. Rather than dreading the high winds and rains, they learned how to navigate their way through the storm.

Heavenly Country

During high school, my closest friend and I took a pair of horses out for an afternoon ride. We slowly roamed through fields of wildflowers and wooded groves. But when we nosed the horses in the direction of the barn, they took off toward home like twin rockets. Our equine friends knew that it was time for dinner and a good brushing, and they could hardly wait.

What will your swan song be?

By Lau Jue Hua, Singapore [Image from] Amidst tumultuous applause from his fans, David Beckham wiped away tears as he walked off the field in his final appearance as a professional football player. The game last Sunday was a swan song for the 38-year-old former England captain who is a household name. For a [...]

What will your swan song be?

By Lau Jue Hua, Singapore [Image from] Amidst tumultuous applause from his fans, David Beckham wiped away tears as he walked off the field in his final appearance as a professional football player. The game last Sunday was a swan song for the 38-year-old former England captain who is a household name. For a [...]

Find out why the spirit of the Law is so critical, and why the letter of the Law isn’t enough by itself

Jesus’ teaching on the law goes beyond practical dos and don’ts of good behavior. Ultimately, the spirit of the law addresses the motivations of our hearts.

Star Shepherd

In the spring, shepherds in Idaho move their flocks from the lowlands into the mountains. Thousands of sheep move up the passes into the high country to summer pasture.

Discover what the Law can, and cannot do

The Ten Commandments were written to a culture and people far removed from our own. So can these ancient directives still teach us how to live today? Our study of the letter and spirit of the Law continues.

A Missed Lunch

For me, food is more than a necessity—it’s a wonderfully enjoyable part of life! I enjoy sitting down to a well-prepared meal, especially when I’m feeling hungry. I imagine that the disciples were hungry for lunch when they returned to the well where Jesus was interacting with the Samaritan woman.

Is it ok for a Christian to party?

Whether or not Christians can “party” depends on what you mean by the term. To some people, “partying” might mean relaxing with a group of friends or celebrating special occasions with one another. This may include games, food and drink, and music. It would be characterized by good clean fun. To other people, “partying” may [...]

Is it ok for a Christian to party?

Whether or not Christians can “party” depends on what you mean by the term. To some people, “partying” might mean relaxing with a group of friends or celebrating special occasions with one another. This may include games, food and drink, and music. It would be characterized by good clean fun. To other people, “partying” may [...]

Discover the priority and goal of the Ten Commandments

It’s wonderful to find practical application in our study of the Bible, but is that the sole purpose of God’s Word? Be part of the discussion.

Discover the difference between living by the spirit of the Law and the letter of the Law

Just as toddlers push the limits of their parents’ rules, as children of God we tend to look for loopholes in the Law to get our own way. A study of Jesus’ teaching in Luke chapter ten.

Not Abandoned

Years ago, while my husband and I were visiting the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, we noticed a baby stroller by itself with no one nearby. We assumed that the parents had left it there because it was too bulky and were now carrying their child. But as we approached, we saw a sleeping baby inside. Where was a parent . . . a sibling . . . a babysitter? We hung around for quite some time before hailing a museum official. No one had shown up to claim that precious child! The last we saw of him, he was being wheeled away to a safe place.