Month: January 2013

Ready For Glory

On March 1, 1981, preacher and Bible commentator D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones lay on his deathbed. From 1939 to 1968, he had served as the pastor of London’s Westminster Chapel. Now at the end of his life, Lloyd-Jones had lost the ability to speak. Indicating that he did not want any more prayers for his recovery, he wrote on a piece of paper: “Do not hold me back from glory.”

You’re Necessary

The story has been told about a conductor who was rehearsing his orchestra. The organ was giving a beautiful melody, the drums were thundering, the trumpets were blaring, and the violins were singing beautifully. But the conductor noticed something missing—the piccolo. The piccolo player had gotten distracted and hoped his instrument wouldn’t be missed. The conductor reminded him: “Each one of us is necessary.”

Gain a better understanding of what sin really is

It’s been said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Let's look at a few biblical illustrations that help us gain a better understanding of what “sin” really is. Painting a challenging, but helpful portrait.

We are… but He is!

By Samuel Magondu, Kenya I am . . . Just your average guy next door. Not someone who stands out in a crowd. Not the guy whom you will cast a second glance. Just a guy trying to make it in this big, wide world. I am the guy who will borrow money with no [...]

We are… but He is!

By Samuel Magondu, Kenya I am . . . Just your average guy next door. Not someone who stands out in a crowd. Not the guy whom you will cast a second glance. Just a guy trying to make it in this big, wide world. I am the guy who will borrow money with no [...]

How Jesus lived out the Lord’s Prayer and how we can follow in His footsteps

As our ultimate example, we strive to follow Jesus’ model for working, eating, playing, and praying.


I was glad to see the final days of the year draw to a close. It had held so much sorrow, sickness, and sadness. I was ready to welcome January with its very own brass band!

Upside Down

There are a lot of things that intrigue me about Jesus. One of the aspects of His ministry that has always produced jaw-dropping, head-scratching responses is His upside-down teaching about life.

As we journey through life, we may get to the point where we think we’ve got it figured out and our thought patterns and responses for navigating through life are deeply engrained.

Let’s look at the ways God provides for His people today

When the Israelites asked God for bread, He brought down manna from the sky. But when we pray “Give us this day our daily bread” food doesn’t rain from the heavens! The Lord’s provision may be the same, but His methods are different.

Good and Evil

By Debra Ayis, Nigeria “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” — 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV) The seas pound with rhythm, Like rhyme in an ancient song, The daily theme of life flows by, As the church bells go bong, bong, bong, People quickly drift [...]

Good and Evil

By Debra Ayis, Nigeria “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” — 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV) The seas pound with rhythm, Like rhyme in an ancient song, The daily theme of life flows by, As the church bells go bong, bong, bong, People quickly drift [...]

There’s Power

When my sister found out she had cancer, I asked my friends to pray. When she had surgery, we prayed that the surgeon would be able to remove all of the cancer and that she wouldn’t have to undergo chemotherapy or radiation. And God answered yes! When I reported the news, one friend remarked, “I’m so glad there’s power in prayer.” I responded, “I’m thankful that God answered with a yes this time.”

Discover what our responsibility is for the “daily bread” we have

While many people in the world struggle to supply their basic needs, others are abundantly blessed. Let's explore why some are blessed with more.

God Must Love Me More

During a difficult recession, I organized a support group for fellow Christians to help them cope with unemployment. We provided resumé reviews, networking, and prayer support. One problem emerged: Whenever someone got a job, he or she almost never returned to the group to offer encouragement. That increased the loneliness and isolation of those left in the group.

How the Lord’s Prayer impacts our lives both when we’re in need, and when we have plenty

When your cupboards are stocked, your bank accounts sufficient, and your blessings abundant, can you sincerely pray for “daily bread”? A fresh take on Jesus’ words, “Give us this day our daily bread.”