The Bible teaches that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. God is one Being who has existed eternally as three distinct, not separate, persons. As distinct persons, each functions in His own unique manner. The Father is the Originator, the Son is the Agent, and the Holy Spirit is the Applicator. Each person is self-conscious and self-directing. Yet one person never acts independently or in opposition to the others.

All three persons were involved in creation. It was “in him,” Jesus Christ, that God created all things (Colossians 1:16), and the Spirit of God hovered “over the waters” (Genesis 1:2).

In salvation, God [the Father] loved the world and gave His only Son (John 3:16). After Christ’s resurrection and ascension to heaven, both He and the Father sent the Holy Spirit (14:16; 16:7). 

Jesus affirmed the Trinity when He commanded His disciples to baptize “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

One God in three persons! In this God we have a heavenly Father who loves us and sent His Son to die for our salvation. In this God we have Jesus Christ, who became one of us to take the punishment we deserved. In this God we have the person of the Holy Spirit, our Helper and divine Comforter, who lives in us to give us victory over sin.

This triune God hears us when we pray, understands us when we suffer, and will see us safely home.

Adapted from Do Christians Believe in Three Gods? Copyright 1992, 2002 Our Daily Bread Ministries. Read it at

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