Community. What does that word bring to mind? Jesus prayed that the community of believers would be known for unity, joy, growth in truth, and urgency of mission (John 17).

UNITY. “Protect them . . . so that they may be one as we are one” (v.11). Jesus asked the Father to let unity be a defining mark of the church. Unity doesn’t mean uniformity; we all bring our respective personalities to the mix. But in our diversity, we can still demonstrate love to the world around us.

JOY. “May [they] have the full measure of my joy within them” (v.13). One of the greatest benefits of community is the encouragement it brings. Believing friends are there to remind us that our joy can only be satisfied by our Creator.

GROWTH IN TRUTH. “Protect them from the evil one” (v.15). Our Christian community has the unique ability to confront and correct us when we stray from the truth. It’s the role of our community to help us again fix our eyes on the gospel.

URGENCY OF MISSION. “I have sent them into the world” (v.18). Christians were never intended to isolate from the outside world. Jesus calls us to live in the community (Matthew 28:18-20). Our primary relationships with believers give weight and urgency to our other relationships (unbelieving friends). We gather to pray with and for one another. Then we go outside the church to serve, love, and invite others into a relationship with Jesus.

Danny Franks is the Connections Pastor at Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. He blogs at

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