“…call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” ~Psalm 50:15

At roughly this time last year, India had only encountered the tip of the iceberg, which now has magnified into the international health crisis that we are experiencing today. The world watched with anticipation to see how the second largest population in the world would handle this problem, and it seemed like we were giving the other countries a run for their money. While death and infection rates soared in well-developed countries, India seemed to be doing extremely well for all things considered.  But in 2021, all of this changed.

The second wave hit, and India reeled under the onslaught of the virus. The series of lockdowns that had effectively controlled the pandemic during the first wave had cost the economy dearly. Lockdowns could not be imposed despite the dire need, and as the severity of the second wave intensified the continually burning funeral pyres lit the night sky, lit a burning question in our hearts “Is God listening to our prayers?”

The Israelites as God’s chosen people prayed many different prayers in their times of need, and each time God did answer them. Now as God’s chosen people bought through the precious blood of Christ, we can also learn something from their example.

A Prayer for Deliverance

King Solomon is perhaps one of the most well-known characters from the Bible. As a young man thrust into the spotlight, he was left big shoes to fill, since his father was the iconic King David. In his vulnerability God met him and asked him to submit his request as the newly crowned king. Solomon’s request was unusual, he said “…give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” (1 Kings 3:9). This unselfish request from Solomon on behalf of his nation pleased God, and He in turn, granted him a lot more as well. In these unprecedented times, we must earnestly plead unselfishly for others because we have petitioned for ourselves too long, and it is now time to petition for our leaders and those in authority. That God would grant them a wise and discerning heart as they lead us through perilous times.

A Prayer for Wisdom

In Egypt, under 400 years of slavery, the Israelites prayed and cried out to the Lord to deliver them. God commissioned Moses to deliver His people saying “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering” (Exodus 3: 7). Isn’t it amazing that ‘The Great I Am’ was concerned about the suffering of this tiny group of slaves? He was concerned enough to save Moses at birth, lead him through life experiences that would mould and shape him, and finally raise him as an advocate and a deliverer for His people, Israel. This same God can deliver us today as we pray.

A Prayer for Restoration

During the time of the latter Kings of Israel and Judah, the nation had drifted far away from God and His ways. The people did not live to love God instead, they were concerned about their own well-being and disobeyed Him. In such a situation, God sent the Babylonians as tools of instruction. Fast forward 70 years and a small group of Jews return to their homeland. As they rebuild the ruins, the scribe Ezra, a leader of the people, realized that their waywardness was the core of their suffering, and so on behalf of His nation, he offers up a prayer. He says “I am too ashamed and disgraced, my God, to lift up my face to you, because our sins are higher than our heads and our guilt has reached to the heavens.” Perhaps we too as the body of Christ are called like Ezra to stand in the gap for our fellow countrymen and intercede for forgiveness and restoration.

A Prayer for Healing 

After the Babylonian captivity that left the nation devastated, the people of Israel tried to salvage as much of their nation as possible. As they rebuilt their lives and their country, the Prophet Malachi prophesied a promise that God would heal the people in His time. He said “The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings…” (Malachi 4: 2) This Sun of Righteousness is none other than the Son of God who came down as a man for us. He is concerned about our nation, and He yearns to rise with ‘healing in His wings.’ Let us as people of God plead with Him for our brothers and sisters who are battling this dreadful disease, for by His stripes, we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

As we see in the Bible, prayer is a vital part of God’s sovereign plans. We know that the God who we serve is not someone who is far away and unconcerned about our daily lives He cares about us. So, as we unite our hearts in prayer for our nation, let us come with confidence, knowing that the God who urges us to call on Him in our day of trouble is also the God who promises to hear our cry.