If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! ~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

No matter who we used to be or what we’ve done, we can put it all behind us. We can stop beating ourselves up over our past and let go of the guilt, knowing we’re completely forgiven because of Jesus’ death on the cross. And we can start afresh, knowing we can rely on the Holy Spirit to daily transform us to be more like Jesus.

But step 1 is to admit our mistakes. Some of our failures might be glaring errors, but some not-so-much. We might be used to asking forgiveness from God for specific ways we mess up—mistakes, poor choices, or losing our temper. But we need forgiveness just as much for the more subtle ways we depart from God’s best. We need forgiveness for things we may not even recognise as faults—not loving those around us, getting “too busy” to spend time with God, and all the other excuses we make that lead us away from God’s path for us.

The good news is that whatever our failures, in God’s eyes we’re no longer condemned (Romans 8:1). As Paul points out, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (v. 31). Let’s enjoy the fresh start He’s given us through Jesus.


During a time when you’ve strayed from God, what’s a way you “fell asleep” to the good news of the gospel (in other words, what good thing about the gospel did you struggle to believe for a time)? If you’re still struggling to believe it, admit it to God and ask for his help. Or, simply praise God a little extra right now for one specific way you DO believe the gospel is good news for your life!

A simple prayer like this can be all we need to get started connecting with God in our Lent journeys. To follow more of our journey through Lent and check out our other Lent devotions click here!

Original content by Reclaim Today. Reshared with permission.