Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. ~ Ephesians 4:2-3

Repentance and healing aren’t just an important part of our relationship with God, but also an important part of our relationships with others and our own emotional health.

However, finding the joy of repentance can be difficult. Check out this short testimony with Q. Jackson where she shares her experiences with repentance in her Lent journey!

Testimony Q & A with Q. Jackson

Q: What have you been learning recently about the topic of “repentance?”

A: Repentance makes me feel really, really awful—mainly because it forces me to acknowledge that I’m wrong. But as an Enneagram type 1 (perfectionist), being wrong or bad is legitimately my worst fear. Recently, God’s been showing me that it actually feels WAY better when I give up my normal response of selfdefense and attempted justification, and embrace his way—setting aside pride, and seeking unity and restoration. It’s less scary when he reminds me that my mistakes are separate from my identity—they don’t define my character to him.


Recall a personal regret you have because of a mistake you’ve made. In what ways do you believe it affects God’s (or other’s) opinion of you? Then invite God to remind you how he sees you and thinks about you (and listen for a minute to hear what he says!).

A simple prayer like this can be all we need to get started connecting with God in our Lent journeys. To follow more of our journey through Lent and check out our other Lent devotions click here!

Original content by Reclaim Today. Reshared with permission.