Month: April 2020

Free Indeed

The film Amistad tells the story of West African slaves in 1839 taking over the boat that was transporting them and killing the captain and some of the crew. Eventually they were recaptured, imprisoned, and taken to trial. An unforgettable courtroom scene features Cinqué, the leader of the slaves, passionately pleading for freedom. Three simple yet powerful words—repeated with increasing force by a shackled man with broken English—eventually silenced the courtroom, “Give us free!” Justice was served and the men were freed.

Most people today aren’t in danger of being physically bound, yet true liberation from the spiritual bondage of sin remains…

Can I make an online donation directly to your Bank account?

Yes, you will need to create Our Daily Bread as a beneficiary using the bank details below and add your 12 character ODB contact reference (beginning with “A-“). You can then choose to make one-off donations as you feel called to. Alternatively, you can choose to make regular payment for a set amount by this method. Using the reference we can ensure the monies are recorded against your record.

Can you send me a yearly statement of my donations?

Yes, we would be happy to do so – please contact us to request this.

Are you PCI and/or GDPR compliant?

Yes, Our Daily Bread Ministries is both PCI and GDPR compliant.

Can I make a donation in my will?

Yes, we call these “legacy” donations. Please contact us to receive more information about leaving a legacy in your will.

Do you accept donations in currencies other than British Pound Sterling?

Yes. You can change the currency of your online donation to Euros or Polish Zloty using the dropdown menu next to the PayPal button above. We also have bank accounts for Euro, US Dollar, and Polish Zloty donations as follows:

  • Euro (€)
    • Account Name: Our Daily Bread Ministries Trust
    • Account Number: 21001014
    • Sort Code: 01-01-60
    • Bank Address: NatWest Lancaster, 68 Church Street, Lancaster, LA1 1LN, United Kingdom
    • IBAN: GB58NWBK60721021001014
  • US Dollar ($)
    • Account Name: Our Daily Bread Ministries Trust
    • Account Number: 21001030
    • Sort Code: 01-01-60
    • Bank Address: NatWest Lancaster, 68 Church Street, Lancaster, LA1 1LN, United Kingdom
    • IBAN: GB41NWBK60730121001030
  • Polish Złoty (zł)
    • Account Name: Our Daily Bread Ministries Trust
    • Account Number: 21001200
    • Sort Code: 01-01-60
    • Bank Address: NatWest Lancaster, 68 Church Street, Lancaster, LA1 1LN, United Kingdom
    • IBAN: GB10NWBK60730121001200

Do you accept cash donations through the post?

Yes, however we cannot be held responsible for any cash which goes missing in the post. We would recommend using a more secure method to donate, such as online or through your bank, if possible. If you wish to send a donation through the post then we recommend sending a cheque or postal order.

Who should I make a cheque payable to?

Please make cheques payable to Our Daily Bread Ministries.

Are my credit/debit card details stored anywhere?

Our Daily Bread Ministries do not store your credit/debit card details.

If you choose to create a PayPal account for making donations, then PayPal may store your credit/debit card details – please check their terms and conditions, and any other privacy statements.

Do you accept standing orders and/or direct debits?

We are unable to accept direct debits, however we can accept standing orders – you can download and print a standing order form here along with further information.

Do I need a PayPal account to donate online?

No. For a one-off donation on the PayPal website you can choose to donate with a credit or debit card without needing to create a PayPal account.

However, if you wish to make a recurring donation then it is a PayPal requirement that you create an account – unfortunately this is outside of our control, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by this PayPal policy.

Can I Gift Aid my donation?

Yes! If you are a UK tax payer then you can use the Gift Aid scheme – you can download and print a Gift Aid form here along with further information.

How much does postage cost?

We do not charge for postage on our resources, however if you are ordering multiple copies of our resources then we would ask you to consider making a donation towards postage and to help sustain the ministry. Postage costs vary depending upon the type and number of resources which you order from us.

How much do your resources cost?

We have many resources which cost varying amounts to produce. We do not publicise the cost of each one, and would encourage you simply to donate whatever amount you believe the Lord is calling you to give.

I wish to receive resources from you – am I obliged to donate?

No. We want to assure you that there is absolutely no pressure on you to donate towards the work of Our Daily Bread Ministries. All of our resources, including our Bible reading notes, are available to you without cost or obligation. We are delighted to send you our resources to help you in your daily walk with God. Any donations we do receive will go towards the mission to share God’s Word all around the world, but we never ask for financial gifts from anyone.

However, if you are ordering multiple copies of our resources then we would ask you to consider making a donation towards postage and to help sustain the ministry.